
How to get my skin a little cleaner...?

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Ive always had some problems with my skin. Mostly with blackheads on my nose and on my chin and the occasional pimple or two.

What products really work for clearing blackheads up?

And how do I clear those little break outs fast?




  1. you could try clean and clear blackhead cleansing/ fighting stuff that i have used before but even if you use a pimple clearing wash you will find that it even would do it. blackheads are a type of pimple.

    i use the step 1, 2 and 3 clinique stuff!!!

  2. go to beauty parlor  

  3. Blackheads are not necessarily a sign of dirt.  The oil in the blackheads oxidizes when exposed to air-- it turns dark.  

    Any good, gentle over-the-counter acne wash will help.  Look for one with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.  They are drying agents and will help cut down on the oil.   Stay away from oil-based or petrolatum-based products.

  4. you need to steam your face in order to open up the pores to help cleanse them.  Once the skin is warm cleans with Cetaphil  which is gentle on the skin and will not strip your face of the natural oils.

    Afterwards, apply benzoyl-peroxide product like Clearasil, a salicylic acid product, or astringent such as Sea Breeze a couple times a day.

    Don't overwash yoru skin or you'll dry it too much where the sebaceous oil glands will kick into overdrive and overproduce more oil leading to more acne.


  6. Really, the best way to get clear skin is to steam your face over a bowl of warm water, cover your head with a towel. Once your face is steamed and pores are opened use a cleanser and toner and then place a cold soaked face towel over your face and relax, this will close the pores which will stop drink getting in.

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