
How to get my son enrolled in school even though is birthday falls three days past the cut-off date?

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In the state of GA, I have a three y.o son who turns four three days past the cut-off date for enrollment. GA will allow qualified four y.o into the GA pre-K program that is free of charge. If he waits, he will be six when he starts kindergarten. I really think it's silly to have him sit out an entire year for three days. Also, GA will allow qualified four y.o into the GA pre-K program that is free of charge. Any suggestions on how I might convince the powers that be to allow him to start school at three yrs, 11.90 months?




  1. I'm sure the school system has considered all the arguments you could possibly make.  Your only chance is if they happen to waive the date just because you asked.

    It is better to allow your child to develop and mature more before beginning school.

  2. All you can do is go up there and ask who you need to speak to then plead your case.

  3. U mean u want him to start the pre-K program at 3 right? And then he will be 4 on the first day of kindergarten and 3 days later turn 5? If thats the case then maybe they have some way to test him to see that he is ready for school. I really do think thats ridiculous to have him wait another year. Good luck to you.

  4. There are rules for a reason. My youngest has a late August birthday and I want to keep him out of kindergarten for an extra year. Wait, why make him grow up faster then he already is.

  5. Write letter to the school board and see if they can make it happen. Talk to the schools to see what them might do. Tell them what you told us. He will be 6 when he starts. Kids won't be his age and when he gets older kids might make fun of him for being behind them.

  6. Is your son mature for his age? My son went to a Montessori school on a scholarship when he was 4. He was very bright and has always done well in school. Many boys aren't, however, and I think that's why they have cut off dates. Perhaps you could set up an appointment with the school to discuss alternatives, or maybe get them to evaluate his maturity and determine if an exception can be made for him. You will have to push for it, though, school systems are notoriously reluctant to make exceptions or work with parents because it's easier not to.

  7. most places you can't. they used to test kids into kindergarten when I was that age, but now they don't (most states anyway). I missed the cut off date, and I think it was a good choice for my mom to not have me tested in. He needs time to mature. Girls tend to mature faster than boys do, so if you give him another year to get ready for school, he can develop better and then he won't be the youngest in his class. Better to be the oldest in his class by a few months than the youngest by a few months. aging by a few months can make all the difference.

  8. I would say keep him out of school for the year this way his brain has more time to develope this way as he progresses through school he will most likely be top in his class if you push them towards studying a lot.

  9. the law is the law, rules are rules, they must apply to everyone even if it is only 1 day past the cutoff date.

  10. well sorry to say but their is nothing you can do about it. I also live in Georgia and my son is four and I had a lot of trouble getting him in pre- school we couldn't send him to a public pre-school because they go by the parents income. And if your are making more than 8 dollars an hour you are overqualified. Anyways look into private schools some might be willing to work things out with you like financial aid or even free tuition. I finally got my son in a school it's private and I am not paying anything. So I wish you good luck........

  11. My kids both started K at age 6. I am a teacher and I'll tell you the kids that are the youngest in the class are not mentally where the others are. Let him stay home and be little. And stop trying to pawn your kid off on the school system.

  12. don't think you're gonna get it off the ground!  If it was a girl, maybe, but not a boy.  They seem to mature slower than girls.

  13. Silly??   What's the hurry???

    It is in a young boys best interest to start a little later; many of them are far from ready at such a young age.

    Book suggestion:

    Better Late Than Early by Dr. Raymond Moore and Dorothy Moore.

  14. Will you have him do Pre-K and then Kindergarten?  

    So that would put him short of his 5th birthday entering Kindergarten?

    Sounds like me- my mom put me into kindergarten 4 days short of the cut-off.  I remember her taking me to the principals office and having a sit- down talk with the principal and me and they agreed to let me in.

    I was always in the top of my class so that worked out ok--

    but I was socially behind everyone in my class.  I was always the last to get all the jokes, the one who was always behind in all the physical milestones that your classmates hold each other up against.  The last of my friends to get her period, the last to develope, the one who was akward for the longest.  If I could do it all over again (I'm 28 now)- I would definitely not have started Kindergarten until the next year.  Don't get me wrong- it all works out in the end- but jeez- high school's hard enough without making it harder.

    If you're really into educating your child- then go away to a foreign country for this "wasted" year and see if you can't immerse him in a foreign language now while he's a little language sponge.  I always though one of the greatest gift a parent could give their child is multiple languages while they are still young enough to not relize they're even learning.

  15. I have a child who has a late August birthday . He began Pre K early and it was the worst mistake I could have made. I wish every day that I kept him in nursery school for an extra year.

    I am an educator in Georgia. My son is now in 3rd grade and he struggles everyday. I actually held him back in the second grade just because he was so immature.

    Your child, if you succeed at entering him early will always be the youngest in the class. It might be better for him to wait until he is six.

    If you are dead set on getting him started, you can contact your school system's superintendent . He is the only one who can consider waiving the age requirement.

    If paying for day care is the issue, you might want to inquire about your public school systems programs. Sometimes they have free or very reasonable programs with excellent , qualified teachers. Hope this helps.

  16. Write to the school board.  They might evaluate his current knowledge or skill level and make an exception, but normally the cut off is the cut off.  My son will be six when he starts kindergarten, so it is just how the dates play out.

  17. Don't even think about it. The youngest children in any class, particularly the boys, are more likely to have problems. There is a reason there is a cut-off. As it is, there is a tremendous range in social and emotional, physical, and intellectual development in any class. You will be giving your child the valuable gift of time if you let him mature at a natural rate, rather than pushing him . A year from now he will be much more able and ready to function in the classroom and this readiness will carry through to kindergarten. Think about putting him in nursery school for a couple of mornings a week for the year, then let him go into Pre K when it is appropriate. Remember that Kindergarten is now much more of an academic pressure cooker than it ever was before so it is even more important not to push kids into that setting to soon.

  18. My friends mom just photoshopd the date, printed it up, and sent it in...

    I don't know if you can do that now'a'days but it worked fine for her...

    Is there any way to get a sit-down with the admin's??

    If you explain that you are afrid of putting your kid a year behind his peers because of 3 days they might be willing to work with you!!

    Press the "Left Behind"... That should get them to think logically!

  19. Here in Michigan I am dealing with the same thing.  My son turns 5 35 days after the cut off and he should be in Kindergarden.  I am trying to work it like he is a new student.  As if we just moved to the district, and he can then be enrolled as a 'new student' status.

    I'm hopin!!

  20. Home school him.

  21. Is free care the issue? or his being the oldest in school? what is the real question. anyhow, the answer is wait a year, he will be older and more mature. also, kids w/ August/Sept birthdays and start school at an early 5 have a tendency to do poorer in school. So, here is your opportunity to have your child at the head of the class academically! keep him out, follow those cut-off dates!!

  22. Schools have these cut off dates for a reason - the children are not emotionally, socially, academically ready for kindergarten. Your child is actually at an advantage here because he will be one of the oldest children in his class rather than the youngest. The greatest gift you can give your child is the gift of time- don't push him into kindergarten too early. He will be pushed enough once he enters the world of kindergarten.

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