
How to get my son off a pacifier!!?

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I have a 14mth old and he is hooked on a paci, how do i get him off it? I cant leave the house without it and he cries histerically if he doesnt have one when he goes to bed. how do i break the habbit?!?!




  1. It's like a bandaid.  You have to just do it all at once and quickly!  Do it now while he is young!  It will only get harder and harder!  You need to do it when you know he is in a safe and comforting environment.  Like at bedtime.  He will learn to soothe himself.  For my son, it was a really hard night on all of us the night, we threw them all away.  The next night, it was amazing - not a problem at all!!!  Once he get's it and can soothe himself, it will be so much easier on all of you.  Trust me.  Good luck!  Just go for it and get it done NOW.  :)

  2. Take them all out of the house, out of site out of mind. after a day or two of being upset they will forget all about it.

  3. I was once told that you should tell your child that hes a big boy now and doesnt need the "pacifier" anymore. So to tell him you have to send them to all the other babys. So you would let him put them in an envelope so you can mail them to the babys but instead just send them to grandmas house.

  4. my parents lost my 'dodie' (what i used to call it....dunno why)and i cried for a week straight...then i just kinda got over it.... you should try to do the same....

  5. I took my daughter of the pacifier around 18 months , she really only used it to go to sleep, she never walked around with it. But when we decided it was time to take it away we just took it away. She cried for a few nights, but than she was fine. She would wake up during the night and cry for it because she couldn't find it in her crib. broke my heart but I had to stick with it. It also helped that I threw all of them out so I wouldn't be tempted to cave in when she was crying. I think in a week he should be fine. Good luck.

  6. Just let him have it, what harm is he doing ?

  7. Treat the paci like a lost tooth. Tell him that hes a big boy and that he must pass his paci on to another little kid. Tell him the paci fairy is going to come a pick up his paci at bed time and will leave him a present. That night take the pacifier wrap up some cute trinkety little toys and leave them for him to find in the morning.

  8. Throw them all away now so he HAS to go to bed without one. Let him cry it out, he'll realize that he won't get everything he wants when he screams.

  9. they grow out of it usually at about 2 years old or when they can communicate their needs more effectively

  10. i don't have kids yet, and i'm not sure if this would work for everyone, but when i was a baby, my mom told me that my uncle stole my pacifier and it was gone. i just accepted that and never asked for it again. lol.

  11. My daughter likes her pacifier as well.  She's 15 months old now, but when she started to use words and cut her first tooth, we took it away during the day.  Sorry, but I hate when a kid is trying to speak to you and has a pacifier in their mouth.  She only gets it at nap/bedtime...or sometimes if we're in public and she's super super fussy and I'm trying to save myself the embarassment of a screaming baby ;)  Now we have started letting her fall asleep with it, but once she's asleep we "steal" it.  I figure by 18 months we will, hopefully, have her weaned off of them.

  12. I say definitely let him have it still.  When he is ready he will get rid of it.  He is very young.  Their molars and teeth come in and are still shifting  from 11-15 months and they are in a lot of pain and need it for comfort.   Don't even worry about it until he is 2.

  13. Take it away and let him cry "hysterically" for a day or two. Some people cut it slowly day by day until he rejects it, but it's a choking hazard.

  14. Start off slowly, dont give him one during the day just give him one during bed time, hide them too because kids are good at finding what they want, Make sure they are all gone except one good one, then slowly start giving them to him less.

  15. try rubbing something bitter on all the nipples before you give them to him or cut all the nipples off

  16. You have to make it disappear and  just  put up with the crying.  Keep him busy with a favorite toy.  After about 3 days, he will get it out of his system.  Don't give in.  Good luck!

  17. If it was my kid, I would break the habit by dumping the pacifier.  Let the kid cry;  he'll get over it, eventually (about 8 years). Just buy a pair of ear muffs until then .  LOL

  18. i saw something on tv about that. they took there son somewhere and told him that he had to say  bye bye to his binkie, so he would understand what was gonna happen. so they had him through it on the tracks of the train station and say bye bye and walked away. and he never cryed for it cuz he knows what he did with it

  19. put a little hot sauce on it (:

  20. I know this sounds mean but it works.

    Put something nasty like maybe salt on it or even chilli so that he wont like it anymore..

  21. This has never failed anyone yet...cut the nipple of the pacifier a little bit every day until there is nothing left to suck! My friend who is a speech therapist told me this and a ton of my friends have done this and it works! Usually the kids give the paci up themselves b/c it isn't soothing anymore! Hope this helps!

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