
How to get my son to sit down?

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Ok everyone i am new to this my son is 3yrs old and i can't keep him from sitting down he always has to be all over the house. what can i do?




  1. Typical 3 year old in my opinion. Try sitting down WITH him and drawing, working on his letters, things like that.

  2. He is three years old...they don't sit down...what you do is superivse his actions, chase after him  etc.  It's called "Parenting"

  3. Want him to sit down.....

    You got to get his energy run out before you can do that.

    Take him outside and let him run until he can't anymore.

    When hes inside you really need to offer him things to do while hes sitting.... arts & crafts, games, etc.

    Hes 3 so hes at a very active time in his life. I wouldn't discourage it...

  4. He needs to be checked for a physical illness causing hyperactivity.  One possibility is hypothyroidism...too much thyroid hormone.  It causes super energy.

    Good, quiet children are the ones that have been run ragged all day.  Take him to the park, invite over a friend, send him outside to play, and get him a little swimming pool.  Keep him active all day.  I think you'll find that having another child to the house will be easier on you, because they'll keep each other busy with less of your interaction and supervision.

    Take him to the dr. first.

    TX Mom

  5. Typical 3 yr old, can't sit down for 3 minutes! LOL! I would try sitting down with him & color, read a book with him, build with blocks with him, play cars with him, ect. If he's constantly getting into stuff...that's typical too...he just wants attention but only knows how to get it the wrong way.

    If you need a break & just need him to sit down for a few minutes (I so know how that is), try to get him to watch cartoons on tv, a favorite movie, or tell him mommy don't feel good & mommy needs to sit down, then see if he will sit with you.

    You could also put up a gate to keep him in one area if your house can be sectioned off like that.

    You know, I've always heard of the terrible twos but I believe 3s are worse :o) Good Luck hun, us mommies need all the luck we can get :o)

  6. Put a bowl of sweeties on the table!. Or activities such as drawing, cornflour/water/colour play, playdoh, puzzle, photo's to look at- too many to list.

  7. "Sit" him down - nicely.

    If he doesn't obey you, tell him so and tell him the consequences for not obeying you.

    Remember, you're the parent.

    Typically, it's hard to get a 3 year-old to stay in one place - if there brain is not stimulated to do something else.

    Give him a coloring book, or wash-away paint to paint with. Relax his mind by playing Mozart or other classical composer. Do things "with" him, such as, playing Frisbee outside, or going to the park.

    Ultimately, a child loves to be with his parents. Allow him to love  you even more by spending time with him - quality time.

  8. If it's extremely difficult to get him to listen, he very well may have adhd, but try going outside burning some energy playing tag or freeze tag with him, come back inside and play some relaxing music and call it quite time.  You can sit down with him, read a book, draw, make crafts, or after going outside you can go on a nature walk and pick up leaves, rocks, etc. and make a nature walk collage with him upon your return.  the possibilities are endless, if you need some time for yourself, make a reward system and let him know if he behaves himself for a certain amount of time he gets a special prize, they eat that stuff up!  good luck

  9. Girls and boys have a lot of energy at that age and continue to be that way as they are growing up. DO take the time and read and do things with them. When you have children you should let them explore and do the things that stimulate their interest. I always worried when they wouldn't do things as they were sick. HAVE FUN and enjoy this age and all that they do as the more active he will be, the greatness will come later.

  10. He's a boy, they are more rambunctious. He's three, that's what they do.

    Now that you know he's normal, try running him ragged. I would take my son out and tell him to run and from one end of the yard to the other and try to do it before I reached a certain number.  He will love it and when he gets tired, he won't want to play anymore. That will calm him down. He needs to let loose of all his energy.

    Don't let him watch more than 30 minutes of TV a day, none would be best. All the fast paced images rewire the brain and make children hyper. I did research on this. The only childrens TV show that didn't have this affect was "Mr. Rodgers."

    Beware of caffine that is in certain drinks and foods.

    Hang in there, one day he'll be a teenager and then all he'll want to do is sleep.

    Best wishes.

  11. tranquilize him...... I'm just kidding. They are all like that. I have a 5yr old and she was just like that but now she is a little older she thinks I'm the coolest thing on the planet so she follows me around and wants to hang out all the time. She's a great kid cause she is not wild and very shy plus she does well in school so I don't have to yell and punish a lot. And i am a single parent. I think it will change with your son as he gets older. so now you just have to be patient. I use to threaten her and tell her she won't get to watch dora and it worked but compared to other people's kids she was a really easy toddler. Maybe you should try threatening him.

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