
How to get my static information. contribution, employment history if my sss # is 3412337902

by  |  earlier

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How to get my static information. contribution, employment history if my sss # is 3412337902




  1. You just advertised your SSN all over the net.  Stupid.  Anyone can use it now.   IF this is really your SSN, you go to the social security office and ask for a social security statement.  They are readily available.  You might even be able to request one on their website.  

    Be aware that they record all such requests and the statements are mailed to your address.

    If this is NOT your social security number, but that of a former friend you are getting revenge on, be aware that questions on Yahoo Answers can be traced to who asked them and you could be held liable for the damage you've done to your friend's identity.

  2. Its not his for sure, probably an ex wife or girlfriend to get even for something

  3. First you should go to a mental institution and make sure that you are a sane individual. giving this sort of information out is very unwise, no...wait...wrong word is STUPID on a level that is unimaginable. WOW, now I HAVE seen everything.

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