
How to get my toddler to eat?

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My 17 month old daughter won't eat a thing. She will pick at her food and take one or two bites and then start throwing it on the floor or playing with it. Her doctor says she is healthy and gaining weight (not sure how). I have tried giving her a variety of foods but it doesn't seem to make much difference. She only gets two sippy cups of cow's milk per day (morning and night) but still doesn't have much of an appetite during the day.

Any tips, tricks, ideas?





  1. This 'stage' lasts for a while... I have Anabell Karmel's book and Jessica Seinfeld's book which has helped a great deal.  I often sneak pureed veggies in all of their meals (butternut squash in MacNCheese) and the like...  

    I also cut potatoes really small & roast them in the oven for an hour with some olive oil-butter-salt & pepper - they love them!  

    My kids A LOT of PBJ and MacNCheese.... do what you can!

    As soon as she starts playing with her food, take it away!  Mealtime is not play time.  No toys either (that includes parents - no blackberry!)

    Sometimes I also put small pieces on my plate so they can have mommy's food, they think of that as a treat.

    That is all I can think of right now.

    Good luck!

  2. make him/she cry with his/her mouth open and when he /she is crying stuff a spoon full of what ever you want to make him/her eat  

  3. I am going thru the same thing with my 14 month old, try different things. Grilled cheese..diced cheese..cut up lunch meats..pick me up foods. If she is getting any new teeth, that could be it too. Give her some tylenol and then make her something to eat about 1 hour later, serve it up..and see what happens. Make it a game " mommy takes a bite, (name) takes a bite. Or you could always to the airplane/1,2,3 game. I would check her gums though she may not because it hurts, try pedilyte popsicles then.

  4. im no mom but when i was little my mom would play a game with me and she would eat with me

    like i would eat one bite, she would eat one, i would eat one she would eat one and so on. (you let them win when you want to) and then they get a prize at the end! likeee something they like to do olike a piggy backride or whatever and then eventually they will develop an appitite for that food and you will not have to play a gamee

  5. Make sure she isn't filling up on milk prior or during meals. Cut any mid day snacks at least an hour before meal time, along with milk or juices. If she is hungry enough and knows she won't get any food after the meal then she'll start eating. I'm not even suggesting you starve her, just make sure she's on a regular eating schedule with 3 meals a day and small snack in-between (cup of cheerios, fruit, etc). Milk is often a huge culprit since it's very filling to a little one's belly - I had that problem with our kids. Once I figured it out it was easy to get them to eat a whole meal.

  6. she is just growing up. Her eating habits have changed from the voracious eater who wanted to try everything. Just keep offering food, make food more appealing, for example cutting into fun shapes and offer her plenty of the food she likes and slowly incorporate new things. Do not worry she will not starve herself.  

  7. try getting her to help make food, i know she is 17 mths but she could butter some bread and put jam on, or help cut potatoes, obviously using a safe blunt knife, or stir food before it starts cooking, try a picnic on the floor for lunch, i would say in the garden, but it will probably rain!!

    they wont starve themselves, my 3 yr old has days she wont eat and has done this for months.  now she is older i give her several choices for dinner and she decides what we eat each night, then she will eat it, she also likes helping prepare things, and she loves making her own jam sandwiches. good luck.

  8. You should be persistent and patient.  Don't freak out if she is not eating as much as you would like her to eat.  If your doctor says that she is healthy and gaining weight, be satisfied.  She is probably eating more than you realize.  Kids won't starve themselves to death.  You will notice if something really is wrong (which it isn't).

    Keep offering food, even though much of it will end up on the ground (try getting a dog to clean up the mess).  Eventually she will eat like a normal person.

    Good luck!

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