
How to get my top eyelid back to normal?

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Hi, a week or two ago my eye was really itchy and i rubbed it a lot. This changed the fold of my top eyelid. I don't know how to explain it so here's a crude drawing I did in paint of the normal lid on top and how it is now underneath.

It's uncomfortable - doesn't hurt but I can feel it all the time like it's tight. I thought it would go away in a couple of days as it's happened before but it's been at least a week now. Does anyone know how I can fix this?




  1. try vaseline, it wont hurt your eyes at all and it'll help lock in the moisture. apply it a night before you go to bed because it looks extremely greasy. It wont clog your pores though it's really nice.

  2. it's dry and you probably had an allergic reaction to need a topical ointment that's ok to use on your eyelid...Be very careful because your eye is very sensitive...I actually have the same problem  esp. during allergy season...I use hydrocortizone and I make sure that the ointment doesn't get into my eye and I do that by using a qtip...and I also use Elocon ointment (need script from a doctor), very expensive but there's a generic brand, Mometasone...only thing is, very, very toxic if it enters your, be very careful.

  3. put drops of lemon juice in yuor eye

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