
How to get out of Army when you're at Reception?

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A friend of mine went to bootcamp. But she's at reception first then she ships off to prep school, then bootcamp, then a.i.t

To make it short she doesn't like it. I know support support but it's not being away from home, She was happy to do this. Now that she sees what life is like she wants out.

I remember when I went drill sgts were asking us if anyone wants to go home, they just make a phone call. Please, serious answers only.




  1. Tell her to give it 9 weeks.  She will see things completely differently.

    After 9 weeks she goes to AIT and she will pretty much just go to school, the evenings and weekends will be hers.

    Almost all women like the army after basic.

  2. I can tell all the answers above me are from 10year olds.  Tell her to keep telling them she doesn't want to be there and she has made a mistake.  The Army doesn't want here as much as she doesn't want to be there.  Being a Army Ranger, I sure as h**l wouldn't like someone who doesn't want to be there looking after me! I've cried many times, just takes the right person for this job.  I no a lot of tough people who couldn't do this.

  3. Sorry, once your friend hits reception, thats it. The only way out now is a dishonorable discharge, she might as well tough it out. It doesnt last forever.

  4. They aren't going to let her go. Life in the Army isn't like it is in reception, basic training, and AIT. It's a 180 degree turn around. The purpose of reception is to everyone together with all their gear and all personal issues completed before basic training. Basic training is intended to put the individual in an uncomfortable position. Where they begin to break down. Then they rebuild the person only this time as a Soldier. Honestly she just needs to suck it and get through it. It really isn't that hard mentally or physically. Anyone with half a brain and a slight pulse can do it as long they apply their self. It bothers me that there are such weak minded american citizens out there. It's just like any other contract in the world you signed it fully the knowing the hazards of the job and the sacrifices that must be made and inorder to take advantage of the benefits of being a Soldier one must adhere to the contract. If she's that broken up about it already it will do her good to apply herself. In the long run she'll be better off because of it.

  5. Support her and convince her to tough it out.  It might be hard now but once she completes basic it is all down hill from there.  It's the Army way to treat recruits like babies at reception and basic but once she get to AIT it will get better.  Trying to get out of it now will just make it worse and cause her to get more flack from the drill sergeants once she moves from reception to basic.  If she still can't handle it no matter what convince her NOT to run.  It would ruin her life by causing her to be a deserter.  She would be better off getting a Chapter 11 discharge instead.  She would loose some of her benefits but at least she wouldn't get a bad conduct discharge.

  6. I take it she obviously hasn't brought this up to any of the nco's, I believe they call it "failure to adapt" and send you home, believe it or not the army doesn't want you there if you don't want to be there, now once you complete basic then its a different story.Tell her to tell them she wants out period.

  7. tell them you're g*y.

  8. its a little more complicated now to get a chapter11 because the army needs all the soldiers it can get. but they will send her to cmhs to see if she is mentally capable to go on . but if i were you i would encourage her to tuff it out its worth it in the end.

  9. Believe it or not you can go awol. oh yeah I am serious.  All you get is on OTH and never allowed to re-enlist.  I'm dead serious.  Just leave and wait till you are dropped from "the rolls", usually over 90 days and return to Ft. Knox and you shall be out processed.  All the junk they say about never being able to cash a check and all that is jive.  I have my Wife two wonderful children and a mortgage, a car a great paying job. contact me for more info!

  10. she doesn't like it??? And she's basing this from reception?! Where all you do is sit around and get check ups? Someone should remind your friend that reception isn't the army. h**l, even bootcamp isn't the Army. She needs to suck it up until she gets to a.i.t, where she will train in what she actually signed up for.

  11. Oh Please, reception? Tell her to man up.

  12. Once you're there, you're pretty much there unless you flunk out of boot camp miserably. And that's not a good approach either—the drill sergeants aren't morons, and will know if someone's purposely doing badly.

    Not sure about joining the Army, don't sign the enlistment contract.

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