I get paid 500 dollars every two weeks. I have no place to live and no car. Which do I choose first? The apt. or apt share or the wheels. Winter's on the way. And I'm already tired of walking. Though to get to work it's not needed. But also to consider, when I've been working the past year I would choose a place to live take the bus and when my job let me go for reasons of their own (budget cuts) with no notice, I'm back to square one. Loose the apt. and have no money in savings. What do I do? This time I'm leaning towards a savings account first, getting it up to a thousand, then getting a car with the next 500, then getting an apt. share for 400 a month. 130/mo. for car insurance...Leave's some money to live on. My job wants me to leave them as my only employment for flexability for them. Right now there giving me alittle overtime, cleaning on the weekends. Life Sucks! Maybe there is no way out of this hole. There is no way to ask for money or a co-signer from anyone, I won't accept an offer from a rich old man for help who's hitting on me. At least in the shelter I can take my time to decide. Wish me luck... I've been fighting this battle for awhile. P.S. while still refusing to get pregnant to live off the system.