
How to get out of eating ????

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It is ramadan here and i am anorexic but my parents don't know... its f9 when the hole family is eating together i can get away with very little food then threw it back up .. But 2day its only my family !!! i can't !! i don't want to!!! but i can't handle throwing up a big quantity ( as in normal quantity of food) Help !!! iftar is in 20 minuts and i am very scared !! any ideas ???




  1. i think maybe you need to talk 2 them about this, you do realise by not eating how much your already damaging ur body, then if you eat a lil bit it will store the food, you stomach will bloat, you will get loads of spots, your skin will get a terrible complexion and your hair will start falling out and your nails will become brittle, and that's the damage that u can see, did u no something that would just knock a normal person 2 there feet may kill you as u don't eat, you have to look after yourself, if your worried about your weight you need 2 eat healthily and exercise, there's no point putting your problem 2 one side, they've probably already noticed your eating habits have changed, i hope you get the help and support you need through this, good luck  

  2. u inform your parents, they will show to doctor.

  3. You need to get help. My friend is anorexic and she is very unwell and has no quality of life. She weighs 6st. You really should get help, you can  die from not eating properly.

  4. The chances are that if you are eating a meal with your family most nights, then you won't be able to get out of meals every night. They will just become too suspicious. You can try a few tricks though.

      Hide food. Put it scrunched up in your napkin if nobody's looking, even up your sleeves if you have to.

      Take a can of diet soda or something, empty it or drink it, and take small mouthfulls of food at a time, and then spit them into the can, pretending you are taking a gulp of soda.

      Take some salt or soy sauce, hot sauce or anything that will ruin the taste of your food. Now- sabotage! Cover your food in the stuff so that its almost impossible to eat. Now when people ask you, you can just say "Oh I put too much salt on this, it tastes horrible! Oh well..."

      If all else fails, just eat as slowly as you can. Pretend to chew food and spread the food around your plate so that it looks like you have eaten. If you eat more slowly, then you can leave the table when everyone else has finished.

    Good luck, if nothing works, you might just have to eat it, sorry. I hope I helped a bit though!

  5. I highly doubt you're anorexic as most people who are don't know they are!

    Eat some food you don't wanna look like a skeleton it's disgusting.

  6. Are you definately sure you're anorexic?

  7. Say you ate something before so won't be able to handle eating a lot?

  8. You need to tell your parents you are anorexic so you can GET HELP, eventually they will find out because you are going to pass out or have some other major medical issue because of it.  I know it is hard, but you need to tell them , so you can have the support you need to stop having this problem...Good Luck

  9. Danielle, it sounds to me like you are anorexic. Look it is hard for you, with boys and people perhaps looking at you - and you think they think you are fat. My cousin suffered from anorexia for a very long time - roughly 2 years. She told no body. She had been quite 'round' for a while and the family always commented on what a beautiful girl she is and she is 'all woman' and 'not scared of putting it away'. This obviously hit her hard, as they were all commenting on how thin i was and that i should be a model etc. My cousin stopped eating meals and hid food my aunty prepared for her. At school she didnt eat and she became very hairy - which is a commen sign of the body trying to survive. Anorexia is a condition, some people are born with it but the majority of anorexic people develop it. Sadly my cousin died and it has crushed y family. My aunty is taking anti-depressants and the whole family is going through councelling. You may think your fat but you have to stop. Ask other peoples opinion and you will be suprised at the great comments you get. Please for not only your sake , yor families sake tell somebody. Go up to your mum when you are both in a quiet place, and you are alone and able to talk, just say. "Mum i think i might be anorexic." This will be horrible for her to hear but she wont be angry, she will probaly be so glad that you have told her. Please please tell somebody. The ending results are worse than you could ever imagine.

    Best of luck for the future. I really hope you are ok.

    Abbie, if ever you need to talk my email is

  10. u need 2 tell ur parents, u cant get out of this and expect everything 2 be all rite. hope things work out 4 u =)

  11. Stop being stupid.

    If you dont eat you will DIE

  12. shove food into a hoodie pocket!!!!! thats what i do...pretend to chew  

  13. Being a veg will make you healthy + save the earth as it takes 18x more energy to put as plant carbohydrates (also it is the humane thing to do and humans were never designed to eat meat - based on claws, canine teeth or lack thereof in humans and slurping vs sipping, size and type of intestine etc.). It will build your appetite also and you can take some herbal supplements such as fennel seed and cardomom to prevent you from throwing up.

    You will feel healthy again and also be comfortable with yourself

  14. That's ridiculous.  Just eat you crack pot.

  15. You should be more scared about the health implications you are likely to get - if you don't already have.

    Tell your parents, you can get help and battle the anorexia.

    Good luck.  

  16. You need to get help for your mental disorder.

    Before it's too late.

    Anorexia/Bullimia KILLS.

    It's not something to be taken lightly. Why do you want TIPS to feed your mental disorder? You need a wake-up call. THIS SITE ISN'T A PRO ANA SITE, technically this question is against the rules.

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