
How to get out of jury duty when you’re a student?

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I’m a San Francisco, California college student and I just received a letter this morning that I have to attend jury duty on August 18, 2008. There is a conflict because August 18 is the first day school for the fall semester. All my classes are in the morning, starting at 8 am and there is no way I can’t do this. On the first day of class it is mandatory that I be there; otherwise, I will be dropped from the course(s). I can’t afford this I’m a student with good academic background status. So the question is how can I get out Jury Duty before the first day of attendance? I’m a meteorology major and I want to stay on top of my work and I don’t want some chin chang jury duty mess up my career path. How do students get off Jury Duty? It’s funny they had all summer to bother and why now. Sometimes I wished I wasn’t a US Citizen. I need help.




  1. you know,i was going to tell you......till i got to your part about wishing you were not an American citizen

  2. Like the man above said: Tell them you know about jury nullification and that you will not make any agreements with them according to their processes. Cite U.S. vs. Dougherty, 473 F 2nd 1113, 1139, (1972) on their presentment sent to you and send it back to them making certain you sign your name "Without Prejudice UCC 1-207". In addition, state you know that the U.S. is BANKRUPT (Google it) and you will not participate in their insolvent, kangaroo courts. You are not a rubber stamp! You may also cite Marbury vs. Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803); 16 American Jurisprudence 2d, Sec 177; Norton vs. Shelby County 118 US 425 p.442.

    The only power the black-robed-priest lawyer has over the jury is their ignorance!

    If you wish to renounce your U.S. citizenship, open up your USA Passport Booklet and read what it says under "Loss of Citizenship"

    Good day and best wishes in your studies.

  3. You have to present some kind of case of hardship. Call the courthouse that issued you the jury summons and ask them if they can change the date of your jury duty and explain your situation.

  4. Tell them you know about, nd you will tell the other jurrors about JURY NULLIFICATION, which is your legal right.

    JURY NULLIFICATION is a jurror who disagrees with the law, and therefore says NOT GUILTY. Judges lie about this, and are not legally bound to even tell jurrors about jury nullification.

    An example of jury nullification is, a drug dealer is up for 10 years for producing drugs. The e vidence proves the  dealer did in fact produce, and sell drugs. However, you personally are against the criminalization of drugs. Therefore, you say NOT GUILTY.

    It is expected among citizens (peers) to keep the court system in check this way, laws that should not exist, can be overpowered by YOU.

    Anyway, judges HATE the usage of jury nullification. Make it very clear you know it is your right to use it, and that you plan on using it.

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