
How to get over being so shy?

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I'm a 15 year old girl and I'm really quite and shy. I don't talk to people that often because it seems that when I talk I get all nervous and then I trip over my words and then I feel stupid. Yesterday we had a family BBQ and the only people I talked to were my parents, my grandma, and my cousins that I'm pretty close to. There were a lot of other like cousins and stuff that I never said anything to and I hate being so quiet. What can I do to come out of my shell a little bit and not feel so nervous when talking to people? Thanks. =]




  1. Just start casual conversations with them like name age hobbies etc.

    Or it is a lot easier if you are with someone like a friend or your parent.  Maybe they could introduce you and it is not as embarassing.  I am quite shy and when I went to see my cousin who lives in another country i was so nervous because she speaks another language but my sister and i had each other so it wasn't so scary.

  2. I used to be the same way. On the first day of school, if I don't have any of my friends from the last year in my class, I sit near someone I don't know and give them a compliment. It usually works. Like I saw a girl in my math class last year and I loved her top. I walked up to her after class and told her that I loved her top. We started talking and now we're friends.  

  3. i used to be the same way and am a little bit though ppl are suprised when i tell them. i think you should get out more and go somwhere were you don't know a single soul and just just go up to somone and make a commment about something like... : nice weather,ooh i like your shoes,nice top .etc those are icebreackers and if ppl don't repond then thier just ithier: rude, don't know what to say,or just dont wanna talk. i wish you luck.

  4. I was the same way :)

    When I got my first job I started to open up a little bit.  I think it's dealing with the public and having to work with lots of other people is what helped me out.

    Maybe try that?  Then you'll have some spending money too.

  5. Firstly dont worry! I am exactly the same way, and all the time I have to physically force myself to speak to new people.

    Try and go to a situation where you just don't know anyone, and nobody else really does. Possibly a party with a friend were you know nobody will know anyone, then once you are there strike up as many conversations with different people as possible.

    Little things like offering to pour a drink or holding a door open can lead to a a little 'Hi, how are you?' its not much and doesn't need to last long. If you have longer conversations with people keep going away then coming back to them and chatting again.

    I'm not saying that by the end of the night you'll have lost all your confidence problems, but this should hopefully be a base to start with. When you are next in a situation where you are uncomfortable with all the new people, take  a deep breath and remeber who you were that night. Then relax and start a conversation with someone new. Remember practice makes perfect.

    Best of luck!

  6. okay--you just need to walk up to somebody and start talking. but beware, some people are mean and all. but you won't meet anybody being shy. just get over it. swallow your guts and go for it. that's what i did and now i live for talking.

  7. I was exactly that way until I hit adolescence and my sister became a LOT more pushy. Have someone you know, and is really social, introduce you to new people. Then, when you trip over words and stuff just ignore it. Nobody cares and we all do it, right? So, don't worry.

    Just open yourself up a bit by talking to people and saying "hi." Have your cousins introduce you to people, as well. You just need to be a bit mores coial, that's all. No big.

    Hope this helps!

  8. Just practice bit by bit.  Start with people who seem friendlier and you are more comfortable with.  Ask them about themselves because everyone is interested in themselves.  Observe other people who aren't shy and see what they do that might work for you.

    Thank you and good day.

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