
How to get over fear of a backflip?

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ima a trickster,and ive been working on moves for a while,i have a few down,like the frontflip,360,540.etc,but when it comes to the backflip and back handspring,i know the technique,but CANT LET GO OF THE FEAR!!!!!its pissing me off!!!,any tips on how to lose the fear???

btw-im what they call a bcakyard trickster,and im 16




  1. Like someone already told you. The best way is to have someone spot you and to give you that extra push if he/she sees you're not going to finish the flip.

    I practiced gymnastics when I was younger (I'm 34 now) and I van still do most of the stuff I learned like back flips, summer saults, etc.

    Though I was never afraid and I did my first back flip on my very first day, I saw other guys that just couldn't let go and having a spot really help them.

    The problem when you're afraid is that from the beginning your jump has no power because you are being careful in an unconscious way. Try this exercise: Jump as high as you can whit your hands up and touching your chest with your knees. Do it until you see you get get a good lift. Once you feel confident enough in your jump, execute several jumps in a row and at any moment you pick just let your lift your chin like looking for the ceceilingat the exact moment your kees touch your chest). Your momentum should be enough to flip you over.

    I did this to learn how to do back-flipsithout my hands but it should help you anyway.

    Once you do the first flip, the rest come easy as Candy

    Always have a spot


    Just to give you a selection of answers to this question when asked a couple days ago.

  3. Learn the tricks in the safest place possible: a gym with a qualified spotter. You can really let go of a lot of fear knowing that you have done everything you can to stay safe. Once your instructor says it's time for you to do them on your own and you find you still have that mental block, you'll have to make up your mind to get mad at the skills. You own them and not the other way around.

    You might also feel more confident if you work on daily drills. You can master all of the pieces and then put them together: If you are concerned about the cost of classes, the best way to minimize the amount you have to pay is to learn all the pieces ahead of time. That way once you get into class you are starting way past the beginner's point. You'll take a lot less time to master the skill and therefore save some big bucks.

    Good luck and stay safe!

  4. i dont know if this helps you but im a cheerleader and i used to be afraid to do a backhandspring but i was reading a magazine one day and i found an interview with miley cyrus and she quoted something like "dont ever be afriad" i dont actually remember it it was like a year and a half ago but search famous people you like or pro tricksters if there is such a thing and find a quote

  5. first find good/safe instruction from a qualified gymnast so you get the technique down

    then practice it on mats at first

    make sure you have 1 or 2 spotters until you get the feel of how you should be jumping

    i also visualize what it looks like and feels like to complete a back flip in my head, and practice that regularly, then when it comes time to actually backflip, i feel like im used to it.  

    backflipping is actually easier then front flipping. once you get confidence your fear usually fades.

    there are vids on youtube that give tips on backflipping

    hope that helps, gl

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