
How to get over feeling bad for accepting child support?

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I know my kids need it but I always feel bad accepting child support. I told the courts I didn't want it (even though I need it) but they made him pay anyways since he is never in the same state due to military reasons. I mean he is always a day or so behind and I always have to go to him and remind him and I hate it. I feel like the bad guy when I realy am not.




  1. Maybe its a good thing but don't feel bad its not your fault that hes not here to support his kids at least you are here. I believe he should pay child support because your kids really need it

  2. you shouldnt feel bad. people are supposed to stay together when they have a kid but sometimes that isnt the case and people need help feeding an extra mouth. so dont feel bad about it, take it and do the best you can to raise your kid

  3. go to court and ask them to just take it out of his paycheck, for convince.  If he's busy with the military, he may just forget, and this might be easier for him. No more reminding him, it just comes.

  4. You shouldn't feel bad because it took the two of you to make those children. Allowing him to just walk off and not acknowledge them is doing them an injustice. He is their Father and he should do more than just child support. He owe them and he owes you. take it. If you have to keep asking for it, then go to a Judge and ask that he pays it directly to the clerks office and then the clerks office can send it to you. That way you won't have to see him and if he fails to send the money the clerks office the support, they will report him. That way you are kept out of being the bad guy!

  5. I'm not sure why you aren't comfortable with the child support.  Your lucky, most of us don't get it on a regular basis... I'd kill to get mine just a couple days late... I'm going on 7 months late.  

    Be thankful that the Daddy is willing to pay at all.  As far as the days behind... when it becomes weeks, then months... is when you should consider a deduction order from the courts.  

    The child support is to benefit your children, to give them what they need.  

  6. why in the h**l should YOU feel bad? does he feel bad sticking you with the responsiblity and full time job of raising your kids? does he not benefit from having children? if so, he has to pay his fair share. someday, hopefully, your kids will be there for him when he needs them - he looks forward to a future with his grandkids - those benefits don't come without costs! -plus, the support helps your children have a future and better life.

  7. Just wait til the first major medical or school supply bill comes and you wont

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