
How to get over feminist actions due to being a women?

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I would call myself all American. So I believe that feminism has ruined this world. I can't even have freedom of speech anymore and instead of a man controlling me now I got devious women to control me! How is one to deal and escape from the utter chaos brought upon us by the formation of feminist's due to women's lib.(which was funded by the Rockefellers) The elite have stated the reason women's lib. was even brought to us. It was for 2 reasons; extra tax dollars( a form of control) and for the destruction of the family unit, which has worked good since the divorce rate is so high. How do the underprivedleged get back in line?




  1. oh, just get int the kitchen & make your hubby a pie & don't you worry your little head about things in the big bad world.

  2. Wow, you poor girl. There really is no way to help you. You have been so tragically reduced by the nasty influence of feminism, you can hardly string two sentences together.

    Well, coherently, anyway :-)

    Have a cup of tea and a nice lie down, and let hubby take care of you ... I'm sure you'll feel better after you give your brain a rest.

    It's had a hard day, hasn't it.

    Cheers :-)

  3. Are you posting from a psych ward? That's quite a story of paranoia and "repression" by the women in the white coats there. Have you tried thorazine?

  4. You can do it by getting over the drugs.

    I actually am, baby ^_~

  5. Perhaps forming women groups/clubs for America.  America is being eaten alive by outside forces (who have successfully

    used feminism to take over the USA.)  

    Today man is running around with 2 jobs to pay child support.  Perhaps only women now can fight the evil that is the n***s, er I mean extreme feminism (remember I believe feminists are ok, it's the EXTREME feminists who are traitors to the American flag.)

    Another reason for Feminism is WW4 (WW3 was the taking over of America by the media/outside sources.)  Little boys self-esteem must be destroyed because 1) there are less jobs and 2) there must be enough soldiers to fight the Muslims who hate feminism.  

    What can the underprivileged do?  We are in an economic DEPRESSION.  The rich (extreme feminists) are getting richer....

  6. Those Drugs are really affecting you and don't go into it being legal in some places....cause it's illegal here in the states.

    I'm honestly trying to answer your question but it's just a bunch of BS.  Feminism did little more then give you the right to choose your own path in life.  If your not happy with your druggy life style thats not my fault.

  7. Nikki, I'm an American man living in Thailand. My Thai wife has a good job. Sometimes she takes care of me.

    I teach English at a business college. You should take a look at our books. Every doctor is a woman and every nurse is a man. The pilot is a woman and the air hostess is a man. The supervisor is a woman and the secretary is a man. On and on and on.

    Just today I was looking at a new book, and guess what?! Even a fireman can't be a man anymore.

    What will the subliminal affect of this have on young boys? Are we going to have a generation of young men that grow up to be complete whimps?

    What if men start wearing pink satin panties? Would this make women happy? What the heck do they want to accomplish by repeatedly portraying this "alter-reality"?

    I believe that they really think if you tell a lie everyday, year after year, people will assume it must be accurate.

  8. Just because you are a woman does not mean that you need to be affected by feminism.  You don't have to agree with or respect the movement.  

    You can hold your beliefs that the movement has ruined this world....but you have let it get to you...and you have no one to blame but yourself for that.

  9. Just keep telling them no, and not to presume to speak for you and lobby on your behalf, feminists are a minority that presume they know what's best for the majority.

    Most here are too naive to understand that big business and government has sanctioned these social changes. thanks to feminism we need more houses, more bills and more credit, supply and demand has driven the average wage down by comparison to inflation and the product manufactures and marketing companies take a large % of what women earn straight back from them.

    Tracey, Thorazine, never heard of that, guess it's a strong one hey?

  10. Though I don't understand completely what you're rambling on about, let me tell you one thing: thanks to womens liberation you now have the liberty of making some choices in life. It's up to you to take the ones you want to. Nobody else is ruining your "family unit"!  Women's lib is not the reason why the world is going under or you're not getting what you want in life. If you need to put the blame on others, find something more credible !

    P.S. How would you like not to be allowed to have your own bank account, nto drive a car, or to use birth control if you wish so... ? Live in a country with "non liberated" women and see if you like it.

  11. Well easy now feminism has been around for a while, look at the lifes of other people and decide for yourself if it is a life you want to emulate or not.

    Feminism doesnt destroy the country, it destroys individuals, only because a woman is bitter over having forsaken career for family the country isnt ruined and less children are a blessing right now.

    Also only poor problem suffer from feminism with families having to work 3 jobs, but what do I care about poor people ?

  12. Difficult really.

    All those divorced women out there compete with you for your husband.

    All those families where both husband and wife work, immediately put you at an economic disadvantage.

    All the media propogating feminist stereotypes at you 24/7.

    All the single mothers on welfare costs you as a tax payer.

    All the children from single mother families that are much more likely to be involved in crime, drugs and violence and end up in jails that you the taxpayer has to pay for.

  13. You usually get high divorce rates in countries where divorce is easily obtainable and carries no social stigma.  some of the countries in the world with the highest divorce rates are very un-feminist, a lot of Muslim countries have a lot of divorce.  I understand that the Maldives, which is a very traditional Muslim country, has the highest divorce rate in the world.

    Women have always had to work, though in the past it was more often from economic necessity than from a belief that working was necessarily a wonderful thing.  The worship of work that we have nowadays is a fairly modern invention, it would have seemed very odd to people in the past that anyone (male or female) would actually work if they didn't have to.

    For instance, in her autobiography, Agatha Christie writes about her father,

    'By modern standards my father would probably not be approved of.  He was a lazy man.  It was the days of independent incomes, and if you had an independent income you didn't work.  You weren't expected to.  I strongly suspect that my father would not have been particularly good at working anyway.'

    Nowadays people talk about work as if it was some rare privilige that men were anxious to stop women from having, when in fact most women have always had to work extremely hard.  Far from preventing them, men are generally only too happy to have women working, it makes less for them to do.  

    Most women seem to be happy working all day and then rushing home to do all the housework, cooking, childcare etc.  They boast proudly on the Marraige and Divorce section here that they work '24/7' (apparently they don't even need to sleep).  The days when unending toil was seen as something that was undesirable are long gone, now unceasing labour is supposed to be the goal towards which we all work.

    I think what feminism has done is to convince women that to labour without ceasing is the most rewarding way to live.  My own personal theory is that the whole women's liberation movement has probably been secretly masterminded by a man somewhere.

  14. how exactly are 'devious women' controlling you? if you and your husband are happy together i don't see what the rest of the worlds high divorce rates have to do with you. just live your life the way you want and don't worry about it.

  15. The only way to get over feminist actions is to fight against it. keep referring to the truth because their made up lies can't compete with the facts. There can be many lies but there is only 1 truth.

    It's sad when the truth is laid out on the table the fems can't accept it. They have no concept of reality it's sickening. These people think that women weren't allowed to have bank accounts for instance? Are you kidding me? Is our education system so bad that they don't even know how to read a book? Women not only had bank accounts 300 YEARS ago but they also owned land, plantations, their own slaves, h**l some even OWNED banks and other businesses. The whole concept that women have been oppressed is a myth. If the fems learned to read, they might know these things.

  16. Being a female anti feminist what I do is not pay attention to what they've got to say; sticking to my own path.

  17. You are a man pretending to be a woman.

  18. OMFG it all makes sense now! You're one of those anti-feminist, anti-freemasonry, new world order nuts aren't you?

    Oh geez...ROFLMAO I don't even know if I can respond properly to this question. Give me a minute and I might be

    Don't work your pretty little head to hard while I'm gone. I wouldn't want you to implode.

  19. I myself do not agree with feminism these days and therefore choose to be an Equalist.  However I very much appreciate what women of the past did for me when there was a need to focus on women's rights.  I agree that feminism has been somewhat responsible for the things your mention, however everyone is able to make their own decisions.  I would much rather see one woman get out of an abusive relationship while three divorce because they "don't feel appreciated" than the one women go one being abused. Perhaps your husband needs to search for a better career, advance his education or maybe you would benefit from a part time job or selling something like cosmetics, jewelry or Tupperware.  I agree feminism has caused some problems, but it has done more good than bad. Your lack of responsibility is the problem here, not feminism.

    EDIT- If you are doing fine and have a job then it should be pretty obvious how it has benefited you.  If you truly cannot appreciate what the feminist movement did for you I suggest you put your nose in a history book and educate yourself.  The history of it is far to vast for Yahoo Answers.

  20. Oh, Nikki.

    That's the most confused bunch of c**p I've ever heard someone repeat.

    You've been listening to some MEAN AWFUL LIES.

    Not one thing you parrotted is true.

    And I'm sorry you got tricked so badly.

    I bet you got a good heart and don't deserve it to be filled with mean awful c**p by some deceiver.

    God help you with that. I can't.

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