I seem to have this paradoxal type of anxiety where I deal with very big intense events fairly well and let small nothingnesses get in the way of my inner peace.
I'm not sure why that is, but here's an example.
I got home the other day and started stressing out because I wasn't sure what order to do things in. I wanted to eat dinner ASAP so I didn't go to bed on a full stomach which causes me massive acid reflux, and I also didn't want to eat right before my jog because that also aggravates my acid reflux and gives me cramps. So I stressed for a few minutes and decided to go jogging and deal with the rest later. When I got back I still had to shower, clean the cat litter and make dinner. I didn't really want to clean the kitty litter before I ate for hygiene reasons and I prefer showering after all that, which basically means either cleaning kitty litter, showering and then dinner, which means by that time I'm going to bed on a full stomach. Back to square one.
Like, why am I even worrying about all these little things? I don't know why I overthink these little things so much and why they cause me so much anxiety. Does this happen to anyone else? How do you deal with it?