
How to get over my bad performance?

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ok so 3 days ago i had a performance for singing and i did kinda bad cuz i was super nervous.and everyone was watching and i have to go back to there and im sure didnt make it =[

how can i just get over it?? im a good singer i was just super nervous.




  1. This happened to me i did dancing and it was on video for the whole school to see again again and again. I did the dance in a group but i was to into and a fell. I just stopped thinking about it and people got over it

  2. you say yourself you're a good singer. then just believe that. figure out why it happened and work to get over it. practice will help you get over stage fright. all singers have to start somewhere and most have bad performances to their name. the main thing is being able to rise above it and keep moving on.

    take singing lessons. it will help with your technique and ability as well as your confidence as a singer.  

  3. I know how you feel totally, I dance and sing and have had my fair share of bad performances.

    Really, I know it seems like you'll never get over it at first, but once this is all over (if you make it, then great, but if you didn't oh well) and a few days have passed it won't seem like such a big deal anymore.  So basically, the best way to get over it is time.  You did the best you could in your situation and what happened happened.  There'll be other chances, so don't be down on yourself.

    Good luck and feel better :)

  4. Mark it up to experience. Go again and give it your best.

    You are not alone in being nervous. Barbra Streisand and many other

    great performers ...........up before every performance.

    Good Luck


  5. Hey! i totally know what you're going through. I had an experience like that when i was auditioning for a performing arts school. i was so nervous i skipped 2 verses of my song and the accompanist no idea what i was doing.  its ok to get nervous. everyone does! it doesn't matter what other people thought of you're performance, all that matters is that you tell yourself "i AM a good singer, i was just nervous, i'll do better next time" and im sure you will!

    Break a leg!  

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