
How to get over my ex and she has custody of the kids?

by  |  earlier

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I am having a hard time dealing personally with this. I think of her all the time but she has moved on. I wish I could cut all ties but can't face not being around her. It is obsessive behavior with a side of extreme jealousy. I know we are not meant for each other and being together would be wrong but I still want her. The divorce was just over a year ago. I need help!! There has to be a listing of help books and good support groups. How do I find these and what has helped you, the people I am asking, done to get over there ex’s? Any advice is welcome and I am willing to tell the FULL STORY to those I feel are willing to help.




  1. Get professional help if you feel that your desire for her is becoming an obsession.  

  2. You need to find someone you like so they distract you from your ex. Date different women and have fun. You are too bored

  3. Just go out and meet other people dont hold on the the past cause I doubt she's not worth it you seem like a good guy there other fish in the sea that can swim better

  4. to be honest you should probably go see a therapist to discuss.

    or maybe you just need a few people to listen to how you feel.

    there really is no way to get over someone.

    you may never get over her.

    and believe me, i know how hard it is to love someone and have them move on, but not you. even hearing their name is hard, at least for me.

    maybe stop trying so hard to get over her and just let time do its thing.

    let your feelings run through. even tho it was a year ago, feelings can still be raw and hard to handle. give it time.

  5. well what you do is you just move on with your i know you still have feelings for this person but sooner or later your going to have to just ask to see the kids or have them for one day and so you don't have to see her...

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