
How to get over my ex when I see him everyday in class?

by Guest56646  |  earlier

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We don't talk to each other. He's the one who decided to make it like that. How can I get over my ex when I have to see him everyday in class?




  1. Move.

    Seek a judicial review.

    Appeal to the head.

    Go on the run ....and make yourself a promise to (as you now can see the error of your ways) to 'never EVER, ever date anyone in the same school as you for a s long as you live'. Ever.


  2. The joy of the Lord is our strength....

    Everyone wants to be around a person who is smiling, happy, and chooses to be a fun and loving this person....and you won't have to get'll be getting on.....

    and be sure to thank our good to Him often about anything!!!

  3. There is no simple answer to this. As much as it is a cliche, only time will heal. Outside of class keep yourself occupied with other things to take your mind off him, and even try to casually date another guy, even if for nothing more than a confidence boost. I dated a guy I worked with, and when we split up (his decision) it was so hard to see him everyday. I had to just get on with it and be professional at work, but I got over it by keeping myself occupied and busy and eventually one day I suddenly thought, what the h**l was I thinking?? Best wishes

  4. ah, this is happening to me

    my ex has TWO classes with me.

    I just totally ignore him and have fun with my friends.

    But if he sits next to you

    just give him the silent treatment when you dont have to talk to him.

    like today he was in my class and i totally felll on my butt and he saw it i laughed but i didnt care because hes your ex and move on! :D

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