
How to get over my fear of skii lifts?

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What are some tips should I close my eyes or keep them open? I really like skiing but I am not crazy about the lifts what are some things i can do to get over my fear?




  1. dont be a hater of a ski lift there fun and if u can find a hot girl to hold ur hand u will completaly forget about the hight that u are at.

  2. SACK UP

  3. Tell the lifties to slow the lift down if you have problems getting on of off. You can tell the ones at the bottom to just slow it down, and you can signal to the guy in the top shack by waving your arm up and down.

    Keep your bar down and your chances of falling off the lift are slim.

    Ski straight off the chair when it's time to unload.

    If you have fear of just have to get used to the lift. You're not really that high off the ground. Most places use 30 foot towers, so maybe you are 22-23 feet off the the most....on most lifts.

  4. Lifts can be intimidating for a beginner - the thought of being 50 or 60 feet up in the air suspended by a cable is at first a little disconcerting. That being said, rest assured that modern ski lifts are very, very, very safe. They have been around for decades and refined throughout the years, are inspected regularly in most states, and have an extremely low rate of incidence. I'd be more concerned about someone who doesn't know how to stop plowing into you out on the slopes, that's the most dangerous aspect of skiing.

  5. Also, turn your head and talk to the other riders on the chair (about anything). Trust me, a conversation will relax you.

  6. my kid is afraid of the lifts. she holds on, watches other skiers/ boarders. look for the funny interesting things that can take your mind off the ride up. breathe in and out deliberately. after time maybe  the fear will subside.

  7. When you get on the ski lift just sit down as soon as you feel the lift hit the back of your legs.

    Step 1. Ski up in front of the lift

    Step 2. Look over your shoulder for the lift.

    Step 3. as it approaches try grabbing on to the seat

    Step 4. sit

    Now just pull down the bar and wait for the top.

    Step 1. spot the downhill slope off of the chair. There will be a little cabin

    Step 2. Lift the restraint bar when you are close.

    Step 3. Keep Ski tips up a little.

    Step 4. Put your skis down on the mat or on the snow.

    Step 5. Stand up and let the chair push you down

    Remember that the lift is not dangerous and the lift operator will stop the lift or slow it down if you need to.

    Ask the lift operator for some advice and remember that the lift is perfectly safe

  8. You're in much greater danger getting to the hill than being on it.  Get on the lift and do it!

  9. keep them open just dont look down. try looking up or ahead. i believe that not seeing what is coming is more frightening than knowing.

  10. dont be a p***y                          

    use the surface lift

  11. Sorry mate.....not much i can do!

    Maybe you should take up something "less scary" such as yoga or something.

    What is there to be scared is far more dangerous to drive a car on a daily basis....

    The only accident i know that involved a skilift was one when an aircraft crashed into a gondela. It was the plane that malfunctioned not the lift!!!!!!!

    from Rhys Thomas , Wales UK

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