
How to get over pre-wedding nerves!!

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I get married tomorrow (August 1st) to the love of my life and am nervous as h**l! Does anyone have any ideas to cope with pre-wedding jitters??




  1. Oh, I'm so excited for you!!! Bad news, though- nothing's going to calm those jitters.  Just keep reminding yourself that tomorrow, not only are you marrying the love of your life, but you get to have a big, beautiful party in your honor.  Also, keep reminding yourself that it doesn't have to be "perfect" in order to be a beautiful wedding day.  Don't sweat the small stuff!

    For today: if I were you, I'd get my pals together and go to the local amusement park- maybe a jolt of adrenaline from the roller coasters would make your jitters fade in comparison- kind of like when you have a headache but then you stub your toe and forget about your head hurting because your toe hurts that, but more fun!

  2. have a day in a relaxing beauty spa, you love him right? dont worry =] eveyone has those. just chill out and enjoy your last few hours of being a un-married woman ; ] good luck!

    hope tomorrow is a wonderful day for you and your guy =]

  3. Take a deep breath. Over and over again. Surround yourself with people who calm friend maybe? If there is anyone stressing you...avoid them today. Possibly a massage, but you probably don't have the time. Drink a GLASS of wine, don't over do one wants a hungover bride. And just keep telling yourself that tomorrow you get to marry the man of your dreams. Remember...thats a good thing! =)

  4. In all honesty i had a joint to chill out but i wouldn't recommend that to anyone.

    Firstly Congratulations!

    Secondly,, how much d**n effort have you put into this, you already know it's going to be perfect and everything will fall into place.

    Don't forget you'll be surronded by people tommorow who will take all the stress off you.

    You might not think it now but tommorow you'll be too wrapped up in each other that you won't even notice anybody else.

    It will be the happiest day of your life and you'll love it.

    Don't drink too much coffee tonight and don't drink too much whiskey first thing tommorow morning.

    I wish you both all the luck in the world


    edit, It's been your wedding now!! Wasn't it totally worth it. Congratulations am sure you had a great day.

  5. you aren't nervous about getting married I"m sure, the stress comes from all the planning being done and wondering how it will all turn out.

    sit back and enjoy you time, spend today with family or your girls and to what you can to relax.

    All the planning is done and it will go just fine!  At the end of the the you'll be married!

  6. get the girls together....get a bottle of champagne and get giggling....oh and maybe they aren't nerves but sheer excitement.

    You'll be fine....the fact that you've just called him the love of your life proves you're doing the right thing....toherwise you'd have said fiance...or boyfriend.....!!!

    Good luck and just make sure at some point in the day you sit back and enjoy what's going on becuase it'll all be over too quickly otherwise.

  7. Breathing deeply is always good. Go get a massage! Go today! It will calm you down. Go with a good friend, have a glass of wine (just 1!) and un-wind. Just think that by tomorrow you will be his Mrs. and are going to live happily ever after. Good luck!

  8. Breathe! Its perfectly Normal! All eyes are gonna be on you tommarrow.. its like ur Queen for  Day! Live it up! have fun! : ]

  9. Have a long soak in a bubble bath, play some music, light some candles and read a book. Soak for about an hour or so, then get out and lounge around in your dressing gown. Do your nails, watch a film, and just relax. Try (I know, its hard!!) to forget about the wedding for a couple of hours and maybe cook a nice meal for yourself and hubby to be. Spend some time together, relaxing and enjoying each other. Good luck with your wedding and I hope it all goes to plan!!!!  

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