
How to get over sexist remarks?

by Guest61771  |  earlier

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I know in this day and age and with all my accomplishments I should not be bothered, but sometimes certain people get to me. It stuck with me... maybe I am not as capable as a man.

But I realize that this is not true as there are exceptional women role models out there. And women in general. I was so happy that Hillary ran for president. So I hope women don't take offense. I know women are just as capable as men, in my head. But that guy kind of punctured me in my heart and made me doubt myself.




  1. a kick in the balls.

  2. What did he say?

  3. Realize that this has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with the other person. If that is their mentality and they wish to express that, it only shows others what kind of person this guy really is.

    With all the entertainment and sitcoms and other stuff that people are blatant about, it conditions people to speak before they think. As inconsiderate as it may be, that is their problem and truly has nothing to do with who you are.

  4. most men that I have met are still in the cavemen stage of "me big clean house and make babies...I hunt"...just brush yourself off and hold your head high. We women can do things just about as well or better than a guy can.

  5. Keep in mind that the chip on his shoulder comes from the block above it.

    I also like what Abraham Lincoln said:  "it is better to keep one's mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt."  Your attacker illustrates that perfectly.

  6. Are you white, if you are then how do you think other ethnic groups deal with racism. I'll tell you, we suck it the h**l up and come to the realization that the person making the racist comment is retarded. In other words, they have less active areas of the brain than is normal and it makes them spew BS. Either that or turn to violence.

  7. problem with role models is there still human. The only thing you can do is try your best no matter what you do. So what if someone is better. Because there will always be someone better, and there always be people who aren't that great.

          Hillary though... (shivers)... I think the Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin(i think that's her name) is a much better role model. A good role model for anyone I would think.

    When someone sling insults remember one thing, there scared.  Ignore them with glee as you do your best to get through this world because you do not have anything to prove to anyone else but yourself.

  8. What is your question?

    How to get over it?

    Just get over it, move on, cuz there's more on the way.

    After that you can learn to "get over" ageist  remarks TOO.

  9. Discrimination works by attacking the self esteem and self worth of people, either as individuals or as a group.

    A great way to build your self esteem back up is to get some support from people who value you as a person, and who can give yoiu positive feedback.

    Don't feed into the negativity you hear, it's designed to bring you down and it's often like the 'hydra' ~ cut off one head and 100 more grow.

    Who needs all that hot air and bad breath!

    Don't give this chap the time of day, and treat his remarks with the contempt they deserve. Remember that people who discriminate in this way do so because they need YOUR pain on which to build their own self esteem.

    Underneath, they are bullies and essentially weak individuals.

    If this chap has power over you at work or personally, you might have to bit your tongue, bgut you can think what you like, including that he is a grade one creep with mother issues. Think about that and smile when he makes a remark ~ hopefully he will feel baffled and vaguely threatened. It's nice to be able to give back :-)

    And ~ do your best and be proud of yourself. That's a winning attitude.

    Cheers :-)

  10. Problem you'll just have to deal with.

    Find more exceptional role models or alternatively you can just delude yourself in believing they are just as capable anyway

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