
How to get over someone u have a child by?

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C my boyfriend and I parted ways but we have a child together, and its difficult for me to get over him, because I have to c or hear from him due to our child. Usually I just cut a person off but I can't cut him off completly due to our child.

What do I do????




  1. Stay friendly for the sake of your child but you also have to move on for your own sake. I think it is a good idea to set aside one day a week for yourself to just relax, and you never know, maybe you will meet someone else who will help you get over him completely.   But don't forget, it is a good idea to be on good terms with your ex, otherwise it will be hard for your child.  Good luck, stay strong. =]]

  2. Gurl stay strong for your kid and i mean if you love him and he there wasnt no abuse in the relationship y not try and make it work for the kid

  3. Well, I went through the same thing with my boyfriend (who is my hubby now) and when we weren't together, I just took it day by day. Yes he came and saw his son and would check up on him, I would let him talk and then when he wanted to see him, I took him to my mother's house (so that I couldn't see him) and he would pick him up from there and I would take him back home. But hopefully, he will come to realize like my hubby did that he doesn't want anyone else to raise his baby other than him and u. So give it time and see what happens. But at the same time don't put ur life on hold to wait for him to make a decision. Still date and do ur thing. If he truly loves u, he will come around and be ready for a commitment. If it happend to me it will to u too. Good Luck sweetie.......

  4. Date...enjoy time to yourself every now and then...get a hobby, go to school...I mean, I am entirely too busy to worry about my ex.  My baby is #1 and then there is work and school.  I have no time to care about what he's doing.

    Being with someone JUST for the child does not benefit a child.

    If it's meant to be it will be...until then, just live your life, because more than likely he is out living his.

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