
How to get over the love with ex boyfriend???

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I recently split up with my boyfriend because there were some complications, so I had to because if I didn't I would get more hurt.

Anyway I loved him so much I still kind of can I get over him??

and plus is not like if i can stop all contact with him, because I belong to this organisation where he also belongs to, that's how i met him.

so what can I do???




  1. time.

    The only thing that might speed it up is if you have your eyes for someone else. takes your mind off your ex and develop a new love for someone else.

  2. I can see your dilema... if you can't leave the orginization, can you take a break, like maybe a two week vacay from the org. to kind of recompose yourself? if not just get some of your gf's together for a movie night or shopping (retail therapy always helped me) It's never easy getting over something like this, take it from me, but I can tell you this, chocolate sure  helps cushion the blow. This past June I broke up w/ my bf & just yesterday he got a new gf who happend to b my bestfriend. I had a similar problem bcuz I still loved him but if I got back w/ him it'd b more painful bcuz I was moving but now he'll wont even talk 2 me. I got over it by using my time 2 focous more on myself, I learned to play the guitar (something I'd always wanted to do) and now I have a band and music is my release from everything. You need to find a creative outlet, that you can go to and vent your feelings, like music or writing. Just allways keep looking towards the future and worry about the now not the past. Remember this: 20 years from now you won't remember the bad times you went through when it was over, you'll be able to reflect on the good that came during and after it. Try to reflect on the good not dwell in the bad. Life goes on and it's better to spend your time happy than sad and wondering about the "what if i had..." instead wonder about the "what if i do..." because you can't change the past, but you can build your future.

    If you need someone to talk to, feel free to e-mail me.

    I hope everything works out for you!

    ~Mrs. Nick Jonas

  3. uh talk to him

  4. Meet someone new have a rebound! Go on a date with another guy just for company and someone that will make you feel confident and help you get over your ex! Or go out with your friends alot and get drunk on vodka! Delete his number so there is no temptation to ring him and when you see him at work just be normal and say Hi don't let him see your upset about the whole break up! Don't dwell on him or watch depressing chick flick films about love and listen to happy songs lol!! You just need your friends around you

  5. leave the organization and give yourself lots of time.  it takes a while to get over someone - sometimes a year or so to completely get over him/her

  6. There's no real trick to getting over an ex boyfriend.  You can keep asking advice and it will be the same answer over and over again... it's not too healthy to see your ex boyfriend a lot at that organization so you should either talk to him about how hard this is for you (or if that's to embarrassing) then find a new organization to go into.

    What you need to do is just get out a develop a new crush.  Maybe take a vacation or go out with your friends to a club.  Boy watching is always the answer.

  7. i guess that would not be easy for you.  

  8. with your situation, there is no easy way.

    it takes time. The night is always darkest right before the dawn and I promise the dawn is coming. Right now, your going through the worst but it should get easier as time goes by. I know you can do it, s**y. ;-)  

  9. I'm afraid there isn't much you can do accept go with it and it's true what they say "time is a good healer "

  10. sleep with his brother dad cousin or best friend

  11. leave the organisation

  12. Right you have to think, i really like this guy, i guess there were good points to your relationship? think about the good points and think, right i had a good time with him but one day am going to meet someone better, think of him more as a friend you once had than a bf, things don't have to be weird at your group just be willing to talk to him if you have to, if your worried you are still in love with him, then you can just be causual with him instead. don't leave your group, if it was that weird between you then he would have left. i hope your problem gets better, good luck=D

  13. kk imma give u 9 optains

    call quest/red hot/ etc etc tv comercials lol

    go to a club

    get ur friend to hook you up

    get laid

    quit ur organization.

    Take a week off from work n have agood time.

    Find a dude with the same simalrities.

    Hmm and if you want him back make him jelouse go be with another dude in his face and he'll be like wtf.

    Find a hobby to keep him of yur mind

    Jus be strong on what your doing.

    Theres no point of doing somthing if you arent confident.

    My opinain, jus be good friends instead of acting like strangers

    Treat him like an everday person.

    Than hopefully you'll see him as a friend insted of an old lover

  14. well u can try to get back with him or u could just find some other boy and try to talk to him more and see wat happens and see if maybe you might end up wanting to go out wit him  

  15. u can have s*x with me. its a start

  16. u can call me and i might date u it will probally make u feel better

  17. Complicated, is ur emotions overriding ur mind 2 choose ! Get a hold of ur true feeling.Talk 2 him about all these complicated matters. U2 need 2b truthful ,honest about how each other feels.Let him no he hurt u,tell him u loved him & don't cry what ever happens. Look him in the eyes and say "This relationship is over "  not at all that quickly, talk 4 abit. after ur talk" its over " his choice 2b friends since u2 will c 1another in this place.Being used though is a 2way street. Don't mix up love  with lust

  18. get laid with another dude

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