
How to get people to click on adsense ads.?

by  |  earlier

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I have had my adsense for a while now and i have pretty good amounts of traffic coming through but no one is clicking on my adds how can I get them to click on them.

Visit my website if you want to help me out




  1. Your question makes it look like you're asking people to click on your Adsense ads... Google wouldn't like that.  If that's what you're doing - let me know & I'll report you myself (I advertise on Google).

    You can't make people click on your ads, though the topic of your website, the content that you write and the layout of your website can help improve your clickthrough rates.  

    The problem with your website: you're catering to tech-savvy people, they know about Google adsense & they're not as likely to click on ads as the uninformed individual.  Plus, the placement of your ads is probably not the best.  While I think you would be doing yourself a disservice to place the ads at the top of the page, the layout isn't probably isn't conducive to high clickthrough rates.

  2. Hi Austin,

    If I got your question right, you want to increase your CTR (click thru rate)

    There are a lot of methods to increase your CTR. This includes

    Using the right ad formats

    Using the right colours for ads

    Properly placing your ads for higher visibility

    Getting highly relevant ads on your pages

    And finally experimenting on your sites, 'cos what works on a site may not necessarily work on another.

    I have put together a series of articles on increasing your CTR. It's called - CTR Wednesdays. There will be a post every wednesday!

    You can have the articles till date at:

    Hope that helps


    Got a question? Ask it at:

  3. increase traffic to your site

    there's lots of free advertising sites on the net

    i would suggest directmatches - it's FREE and your webpage will be viewed by litteraly thousands of people on this network, also join the networks and forums on this site and add your link to your comments and questions

    bottomline - the more traffic you get to your site, the bigger the chances are that people might actually click on your adsense ads

    here's the link if you're interested

    ps don't ask people to click on the ads it's against the adsense rules

  4. Also, try the Ad Placement and Features pages on the site below.

    If you need help with adsense visit

  5. You can place your ads in certain areas of your site to increase the click thru rate. Take a look at Googles suggestions:


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