I just launched my website this month and am FINALLY in the final stages of completing it. It is a website that lists events all over the country (with an eye for "off-the-beaten-path" types of events). I now have a couple of questions. 1) How do I get the word out about my site? 2) How do I contact event promoters in order for me to publish their event? As of now, I am "crawling" the internet for events to post but I am eager to have my own client list of event promoters. I have already e-mailed the tourism board for each state but I am getting a lot of responses to the effect that they already have their OWN method of promoting events. I want to invest in car magnets for the "moving billboard" effect but I was national exposure. Any ideas? By the way, I'm not looking for free advertising. Like the saying goes, you have to spend money to make money...but now, after working on my site for countless hours & days, I want to start making some money!! :) P.S. My website is www.stateofevents.com