
How to get perfect abs?

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i already do 200 crunches a day im 14 and i do 100 in the am and 100 in the pm and i can already see some results so what else can i do




  1. I don't have "perfect" abs but I'm getting there. I'm in the Color guard at my school and we do ab work every other day, and if you do it right, it's a freakin' pain in the butt, but it works..

    Putting music on and finding it's tempo will help enormously in this, but if not, just do them regularly. There are three parts to our ab routine.

    First, lay on your stomach and stretch your arms out like a T and lay them beside you. Then, lift your upper body with just your abs and go down. You shouldn't be going very high, as lifting your body like this hurts by just doing it regularly so don't push yourself as you might hurt yourself. Do about ten of them and rest. If you are playing music, count to 8 with the tempo then do ten more. Rest another 8 count then do ten more. 30 should be your starting limit, but you can raise the count to your abilities.

    After this comes the very hard part. After resting for a few seconds after doing what I said before, clasp your hands and and put your arms in a v-like fashion just under your chin. Then push yourself up like a push up, keeping your arms on the floor, and stay there. Count to 24, with or without music, and rest. Count to 8 while your resting (MUSIC IS REALLY HELPFUL) and go up again. count to 24 and rest. Do it one more time. Now your done with this part.

    Now lay on your back with your knees up and feet on the ground. stretch your arms out like a T beside you. With your right hand, rise and touch the side of your knee and go down. Do this ten times then switch arms. With your left arm, touch your right knee and go down, do this ten times. Finally, put your knees above your stomach. The top of your legs will seem like a table. Now go up and reach for the ceiling and go down. Do this ten times.

    Congrats. Your Done!

    We do this entire workout to music THREE times in a row, entire process and all. If you can endure it, the results should show. But if you feel even the slightest need to stop, you should rest. Don't push yourself too hard and good luck!

  2. u gta do them slow and breathe right, make sure you feel each one.

  3. dump soda completely!!! drink nothin but water!! and maybe some juice here and there. what else can help is running. it lowers the body fat and can help tone your muscles meaning that they will show better. continue this workout! the more you do them the more results! good luck! =)

  4. Running will no doubt help you get a six pack, but that is not the only thing to focus on. Running mainly works the lower abs and burns the extra fat off your stomach. In order for a six pack to really show, you need your body fat % to be 11% or lower. STAY AWAY FROM HIGH FAT FOODS! Try running a mile a day, I do that much myself. But if you are doing it on an empty stomach, just make sure that you have a good meal right afterwards. Otherwise your body will burn your muscle instead of fat. You also must work your upper abs, which is pretty easy. I recommend just simple crunches, body crunches, reverse crunches, and something called the "bicycle crunch"

  5. if you want more tone to your abs try some different types of crunches

    for ex.... lay on your side and do side crunches, and do the same for the other side

    also.... lay back in a normal sit-up position lift your legs from the ground, hands behind your back, and try to touche your left elbow with your right knee, and the same for the other

  6. You could try getting more protein after you do your exercises. However, I got to say that I wasted sooo much time trying to look good at 14 that I missed out on a lot of stuff. Your only that young once, so don't forget to just be a kid.

  7. i found some really good ab work outs but you have to search it its britney spears ab workouts  

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