
How to get pigeons out of your roof?

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My roof has these big spaces, like mini roofs, I wanna put chicken wire over the spaces so the birds don't go in there anymore, but first I have to get the ones already in there out... any safe ideas? There's just a couple really stubborn ones still in there :[




  1. spray water on your roof, leave crumbs away from roof

  2. light your roof on fire.

  3. Have you tried the old plastic Owl trick? These will work but only for a week or so. The birds do figure out that they are not real and will totally ignore them. Put one up close to the site where these birds are and once they leave get your wire up. Also loud noises like sonic booms or recordings of them will scare the birds off.  

  4. get something really loud like a blowhorn and scare them away;)

    Or get a gun and shoot into the sky;)

    Or get a dog and make it bark near them\;l

  5. you can always try and scare them off birds hate lound noises as in the wild it a sign of danger try and shout at them or clap your hands if that dont work then throw some food down for them on a big bit of green or your neighbours garden,lol

  6. load, aim, fire



    Did I just hear a gun ?

  9. I think you are going to have to call a person who takes people's birds'

    out of their roofs.

  10. sling shot. lol

  11. dog p**p works well to scare them away but it must be fresh

  12. i heard rice, alkaseltzer, or something kinda acidic might work.

    when they eat it they explode :]]

    try it or do some research on it :]]

    good luck

  13. i throw firecrackers up mine and they all scatter

  14. To get them out you can purchase a fake owl and put it on the roof. This should scare them off. When you are sure all of them are out repair the roof or put something over the holes so they can't get back in. But, make sure you take the owl off when you repair the roof, they look tacky after awhile ;-) Good luck!!  

  15. Put a fake owl on the roof... it scares them away. They sell them at Lowes I believe.

  16. Open your attic window! :)

  17. get one of those have a heart cages and put bird seed in it

  18. right right right right eight a clok ta turns to the fa andc ma gytuhfjn

  19. tell them to go away

  20. Play a tape with that song from Men With Hats (We can dance if we Want to?), and loop it.  I think that's what they used at Waco.

  21. You kill me!  Please run of president.

  22. Try taking a hose and spraying them out.  Good luck

  23. A Shotgun.

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