
How to get plastic cap out of a drain??

by  |  earlier

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I have a cap off a shampoo bottle that got into my drain, and now its clogging my drain! Does anyone have a solution to get it out, or to melt it so that it will goo all the way down the drain!??





  1. Melting it prolly wouldn't work, the pipes would have to be pretty hot, and it would find cold water somewhere and turn into a lump in the pipes that you wont be able to get rid of and you don't want it to go further down the drain, because it will just get stuck somewhere else and cause a more expensive problem. how far down the drain is it? can you see it?  The vacuum idea might work if you can see it, but you'll want to use a shop vac or something in case theres water in there.  If you cant see it, then you could try the coat hanger thing or something, but you might push it down further.   If you don't think you can get it out, without pushing it further, i would call a plumber

  2. If you can see it drill a small hole in it and put a s***w in it and pull it out. If it is down further then it is stuck in the trap, then you will have to get under the sink and remove the trap with a pair of slip lock pliers but keep a pail under there to catch the water.

  3. Vacuum the cap out with a small piece of hose.

  4. DONT MELT IT!!!!

    Get a cordless drill with a small drill bit on it. Drill through the cap and pull it out.

    Or try a hunk of play-doh stuck into it, then a paperclip to pull it out, or attach a rubber band to it with super glue.

  5. get a wire coat hanger and bend it to go down the drain and chew a large amount  of gum ( about 5 pieces ) then stick it on the end of the hanger and push it down drain and cap will stick to gum

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