and miss that feeling a lot. I am worried if I can find a playmate around neighborhood for my girl. I am friendly, but I feel lots of people around (my neighborhood) even they are friendly are not in the mode of easily welcome new real friendship. (Just only say hi or nice greeting, that's all). Probably they have realtives and networks of friends around so they don't feel want to learn more/ establishing deeper relationship with neighbors. So, I feel lonely sometimes, but that's not a big deal because I can find things to do. The only concern is I want to my toddler to have friends and know/learn about real friendship. She is social girl and content. My questions is how can you get the playmate for your toddler?? I am a foreigner and hardly have things to offer. (ie. my house is too small for a big play area, etc.) Things here are new to me . I have a difficult time adjusting to it (though I thought that I know lots of american culture before coming here)