
How to get points on Prize Rebel

by  |  earlier

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when i click on a survey it takes me to a link that goes on for about 5 minutes and i think its the end but i cant go anywhere from that page. i have tried to do about 5 different surveys and have no points. now will i really get like a xbox or is the place just a joke because that is what it sound like

i just want to know how to get points




  1. Use this hacked link:

    You'll notice you are getting credited for twice as many points.

    Ah, Javascript and MySQL injection hacking has never been any easier.

  2. there is no hacked link, don't listen to those people.

    The fastest way to get points is by using RoboForm, you just have to fill in all your false information when you first install it and then click one button on the top of your browser anytime you need to fill in the address and stuff like that again.

    Also, another trick is, when you have all those yes/no thingies, just press Tab and left arrow over and over again really fast.

    This isn't a scam, you actually can get prizes but if you wat something huge like a 360 it would take forever with just the 100% free offers. Instead, you should consider using the credit card ones that give way more points, like 10 to 20. You will probably end up paying like 30 to 40 dollars but obviously that is nothing in comparison to actually buying a 360 at retail price.

    If anyone doesnt have an account already, please use my referral link...

    You should also try deleting your cookies after every offer you complete, this will increase your chances of getting credited.

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