
How to get poo out of a fish tank?

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I need help, the amount of poo in my tank is huge

How do i get rid of it?




  1. Suck it out.Go to a pet store and ask for a ' p**p-a-la-tor'.(A brand name fish tank cleaner) They sell for about $15.00. there is also a cheap version called the 'Feca-la-tor' for about $8.00 but they are not as easy to use.-Good Luck !

  2. all the above advice is totally correct, vacuums & filters etc, but an extra tip you may find helpful is to buy a turkey baster, and keep it with your other tank stuff. if at any time you see a fresh 'jobby' floating around you can just use the baster to suck it straight out! every little

  3. A good way to clean that is using a Siphon. They suck up all the nasty stuff in the tank and you have to control where is goes and make sure to get all of the poo out. Have the other end of the hose in the sink or put it in a bucket. They should be sold at a local pet store or an actual fish store.

    Hope this helped you. Good Luck!!!  

  4. Not sure what on earth the previous answer was about.

    You need a gravel vacuum.  I highly recommend the "python no spill" one.

    BOTTOM FEEDERS DO NOT EAT POO!!!!  Please, please stop telling people that.  They do not eat poo.  The make it.  they eat left over food, and some small amount of algae.

  5. put your fish in a seperate container(don't worry if they need a solution, they won't be in there for long) Just rince it out a few times(warm water) Then re fill it with luke warm water with whatever solutions u need added, if not don't worry about it. Then just put ur fish back in, you should be doing this at least once a week or once every two weeks

  6. Get bottom feeder fish along with good filter system.  bottom feeder fish eat the poo.

  7. the smart thing is that u buy a filter and there is a sucker fish that eats the poo.

  8. Use a gravel vac.

    They sell them at pet stores and walmart stores all over.

    I bought a manual one for my 29 gallon and it only cost $7-$8.

    It siphons the poo out of the gravel and it's better than fully cleaning and dumping out all of the water. =]

  9. You'll want to use a gravel vacuum for that. It's WAY easier than removing the fish and cleaning your gravel by hand. They are not very expensive and you can get them at any pet store. Here is a site that tells you exactly how to use one.

    Good Luck!

  10. a net like even a fish net

    just wash it after

  11. Well I hope the poo is only from the fish!

    Assuming you have a filter, you can try one of those gravel vacuums that suck up water from the bottom of the tank, where the poo will collect, and discard it (or put in on potplants).

    Or you can let the poo settle to the bottom of the water that you have removed and pour some of it back in.

    I think they say you should do a 25% water change every few weeks anyway, something like that amount.

    Try to maintain water temperature and quality, and new water slowly; it should also be pH balanced and treated with a water ager.

  12. you need to get a vacuum for your fish tank! also, do you have stones on the bottom of the tank? you should have a layer of stones about 1 inch deep on the bottom of the tank; that way the poo will fall between the stones and not get stirred up into the water. any pet store will sell vacuums for your fish tank. just get the proper size for the size tank you have. they're basically just a plastic tube, and the directions are on the package and they're very simple to use. ask someone in the fish dept. of the pet store to show you if you're not sure about the technique. make sure you get down into all the stones when you vaccum to get up all the poo that's settled. the stones won't get sucked through the vaccum; there's a little filter at the top. i take my ornaments out of the tank when i vaccum, but leave the fish in there they'll be fine. don't vaccum out more than 1/2 the water, and make sure the water you add back into the tank is the same temperature as the water already in there, and has been treated with a water conditioner. also make sure you change your filter cartridges every time you clean the tank; you should clean the tank about every 4 weeks.

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