
How to get rdi of shyness?

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pls help.




  1. well shyness or nervousness is normal to all people.Some good actors have shyness but they cover it up w/ smiles or drama. A very common shyness is stage fright. To overcome it (and really desperate) buy or read this book FAMOUS SPEECHES and PUBLIC SPEAKING(part 1)  by Marissa R. Enriquez.

  2. get over your self and realize that there a people out there with far worse problems than you. and i am being serious. it helped me :P

  3. In my opinion, a good way to get rid of, or get over, shyness is to gradually spend time with other people starting with one person. Work on getting comfortable with talking to that person. After you are comfortable, add another person to the group and work on getting comfortable spending time with and talking to both of those individuals at the same time. Each time you are comfortable spending time with and talking to all of the individuals in the group (all of them at the same time), then add another person to the group. Once you have gotten comfortable with a larger group of people, try going out into public places alone or with one person. At those public places, try talking to some people. If you are at a store, say hi to the clerks at the checkout while you are checking out. If you are shopping at a store you know your way around pretty well and you see someone who seems to be lost, politely ask them if they are looking for something. If they are and you know where it is, either describe the location or show them. Personally, I like to help people find things at the store. It makes me feel good that I helped someone, and it helps them find what they are looking for.

    Well, I wish you a lot of luck getting over your shyness and making more friends and becoming comfortable at public places and in the world around you.

    P.S. Once you have a group of about five,  ten, or fifteen friends, it might be fun to have a party and work on being a host. That may make you more comfortable with social situations too. Also, a good way to meet more people and make new friends might be to have the friends you already have introduce you to some of their friends (one at a time). And just remember, take your time and go one step at a time. Don't rush yourself. There isn't a time limit on making friends.

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