
How to get revenge on a bully?

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I always get picked on at school. How do I stand up to him or beat him up!




  1. Really try to become confident with yourself and let him know that he can no longer depend on you to heighten his own low self-esteem. However, you must be confident and ignore him after this. It will p**s him off. I know because I did this when I got picked on and he did get mad.

    Also the ULTIMATE revenge was when he saw me 5 years later and he checked me out then I said "You remember me?" then I blew him off hehe. So yea if you ever get the chance to do that it would be the best.

  2. Dont u hate it when every1 says to: "Just ignore him/her." i do.

    What id do is say a smart remark to them when they're bugging u, that really makes them mad. then run away. do this to them for a while and they'll know ur made of tuff stuff and leave u alone

  3. Buy a can of whip ***

  4. Dont. That will only make the bully mad. First tell the school social worker and your parents incase it gets dangerous. Obvioulsy this bully has a problem if hes beating you up. If you want to defend yourself take basic self defense classes. They are easy and teach you teh basics

  5. You are getting bullied because you are an easy target. Look around, respected people never get bullied. So now what?...

    Become respected:

    -Lift weights/get stronger bigger and faster.

    -Get smarter in terms of how to handle difficult situations.

    -Arrogance and self confidence, you need to know that no one should try to mess with you and test you.

    -Be a beast - Act like a beast.

    -Fight - learn MMA.

    From the first bad look the person gives you or if he does anything that annoys you, fight back and show him that you are not someone to F*ck with. Just react to it in a way he would not find amusing. Even if you have to grab a baseball bat and take out his kneecap.

    That would be taking it a little to far though ;) but think about. Would you try to bully a guy who took out anothers kneecap.

    You should be your normal self around your family and Friends though.

    Think about it... If you were a bully who would you go after and why. And Who wouldn't I want to mess with.

    Have fun!

  6. laugh at them.. theyre just trying to make themselves look cool by picking on smaller people.. lets see them do the same to someone else that was bigger than them..

    or juss ignore them and walk away.

    or tell a teacher or parent.. or older sibling lol

    my lil brother is 12 and a bit slow and people that are older pick on him..

    so he'll tell me and ill telll those other people off

  7. Don't try to get revenge. Don't stoop to his level. Be the bigger person. That can be really hard, I know. But it's for the best. Talk to your parents about it. They need to know what's going on. Then have them go talk to your teacher or principal. It would probably be best to set up a meeting with your teacher AND principal. I'm sure they'll be able to work something out with the situation.

    I'm sorry you're picked on. I hope it stops!

  8. hang out with bigger guys, they'll beat him up if he tries to be funny next time.

  9. tell on him. he'll never expect it haha. also he'll get a good punishment

    if that doesn't work and he initiates a fight with you after you told on him, kick'em where it hurts. but never initiate the fight. you could get in a lot of trouble. also, a bully is less likely to pick on you when you are constantly with your friends. if not then just don't show the bully that he is affecting you. treat his bullying as nothing to you even if it really makes you feel bad. just ignore it and he'll get bored

    good luck and i hope the bullying stops


  11. Start a petition to get him thrown out of school.

    Tell all your friends to tell their friends about it, start a massive student movement, to get rid of this bully once and for all.  Get teachers to sign it even!  

    News will get to him about it, and he will start to wonder if he might really get kicked out, but if the teachers know about it, you should be safe, because you can turn around with the evidence he's being a bully.

    When you have as many signatures as possible, take it to your principal / head of school and demand action.  He might get suspended, kicked out or in a fair bit of trouble- The very least that should happen is that the principal will have to talk to this guys parents with a warning that this kid is not welcome here, and has a lot of people who think so, so maybe it is best for his parents to move him to another school- then bingo- you've lost your bully.

    If you get asked by teachers or principal why you started the petition, throw it back in their face saying: "something had to be done, and you weren't doing anything about it". that plays you the guilt card, so you won't be in trouble, and they are more careful to keep an eye on bullies in future.

  12. First of all, violence is NEVER the answer. Violence would end up in both of you getting in trouble OR someone would get hurt. Just tell a teacher everything the bully has done to you. if you think you will be a tattle - tale by doing this, then you are wrong. You are just doing the right thing. Most likely, he will get suspended. Or he/she would get in major trouble. Either way,he/she would get what he/she deserves.

  13. If you try to get revenge aren't you trying to be a bully too.

  14. dont react , bullys thrive of getting a reaction.

    i hope things get better.. youll look back in a few years and laugh about it, it just seems bad now.. but things will get better just dont let it get to you as much

  15. call chuck norris

  16. Show you're not afraid and sick of him. Most bullys pick on kids that are smaller than them because they aren't confident of themselves and feel like the smaller kids will be afraid of them making themselves feel good. So show him you're not afraid and stand up for yourself.

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