
How to get revenge on someone via his truck?

by  |  earlier

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I helped out a "friend" by babysitting his brat of a daughter for about $2/hour. Then, for the last 2 weeks, he came up with how he hasn't gotten his paycheck yet...and kept the lie going until the last day I needed to babysit. Now he's ignoring my calls and I'm looking to make him pay for the $100 one way or another.

So I'm asking for ideas on how to cause at least $100 worth of damage to a truck (smelliness included) without it being obvious that it's intentional.

If all that's not possible, I want to at least cause him mental anguish.

I'm gonna assume that the truck will be locked with it's windows rolled up, so as awesome as pouring milk on the floorboard is, I probably won't be able to do it.

Lastly, I understand this is illegal. The only reason I'm not taking legal action is because I trusted him and didn't write up a contract or no proof in small claims court. Please help; this @sshole needs to be taught a lesson somehow.




  1. steal his rims.. thats pretty much every guys ego about the car lol

  2. rub peanut butter all over his truck and spray paint it

  3. Put a 1/2 pound of limburgher cheese into his heater intake. He will get the message in a few days.  

  4. Write a letter on his behalf to the local jehovah witnesses mentioning a "heightened" interest in their organization. Wait a week then send a letter on his behalf to the local BAPTIST church saying the same thing.  

  5. don't lower yourself to his level.  the old adage 'be nice to your enemies' can really mess with their head.    revenge may smell sweet but the repercussions or paybacks could be more than you bargained for.    I know $100 seems a lot and you are probably feeling very hurt and misused - and you should be.     perhaps a letter to him expressing your disappointment at his actions might make him feel bad/guilty (hopefully).   remember he MAY have genuine reasons for not paying you or maybe he thinks you will forget it.     do forget it once you have written to him and move on, someone like this is not worth the time and energy, channel your anger elsewhere - a punching bag with a name may help.      good luck, i hope you don't go down this track.

  6. well theres always the slashing of the tires. have u listend to carrie underwoods song before he cheats or watever it is? do that. if he has a round hub cap, take it of and but a dead fish in it and put it back on. but something goey like peanutbutter under the door handle so when he opns the door his hand gets sticky. tape a plastic bag under i=his car and it will melt and cause some damage to it. steal his licence plate. hope this helps

  7. Write him a letter re: the money he ows you and save anything you receive in return. Small claims is better then  you ending up in jail - plus, the suit will automatically cause him mental anguish.  

  8. If you do something illegal it only hurts you. Learn from the lesson and move on. Keep your dignity intact.

  9. sugar in his gas tank, slash the tires, on a hot day put slices of balogna on the car ( it will destroy the paint ) or put nail polish remover on it.  

  10. Cut your losses...... Messing with his truck is a misdamenor crime, and its not really worth it for you to go to jail.  

  11. Don't ruin his truck. Ruin his dignity. It's less against the law. Do you have any dirt against him? Use it!

  12. Hmm...Carrie Underwood's "Before He Cheats" should give you some ideas..........but stooping to illegal action is immiture. How'd you even get yourself into this anyway? Don't do favors for slackers like that. And HECK, not for 2 dollars an hour! Secondly, NEVER let him borrow your money. Moochers aren't people to hang around with. Be careful in your actions or you could be in court for waaaaaaaay more than 100 bucks.  

  13. Careful, this dood might have an attitude as well, so it might be prudent to wait.

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