
How to get revenge??

by  |  earlier

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i have been best friends with this person since 1st grade (9 years) and then we got in a huge fight! she went as low as telling my mom about getting drunk and taking pills! i HATE her and want to destroy her! i dont ever plan on becoming friends with her again so give me really good ways to get revenge on this *****!!!




  1. Move on and have a good life without here is the best revenge.  Everything else is fun to think about but leaves you feeling ashamed later.  Trust me!

  2. Live well. It's life's greatest revenge.

    Once they see you're over it, congratulations, you won(:

  3. moving on would be the best revenge

  4. try resolving the first major fight that favors to both of you,a compromise,if you will. what made you argue about? tell each other the your individual sides of the story.(don't be half assed and just be open to your side of it) see the ordeal from her point of view.find a point on you can agree on and go with it.perhaps you were at fault,maybe its the opposite,whatever.then,KINDLY ask her to apologize for what she's done and apologize for what you've done (I'm sure you've done something to make her sink so low) and don't think of revenge,the glorious feeling only lasts for a moment,but,ultimately,the recoil of what you would do will come back at you 10 a wise man once said:the path of revenge only leads to the corridors of the doomed.

  5. Get over it. revenge only sounds sweet.

    hate is  stronger emotion than love. ignore her and let everything slide and she wont know what to expect.

  6. Walk away ... revenge won't make you the better person... just stay away from her ... you don't need people like that in your life.
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