
How to get rid of Love Handles?

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okay so i have love handles and the only thing that's keeping me from feeling confident and happy is excess fat i have on my hips. what can i do to get rid of them. I'm 13 so i need exercises i can easily do after school or on the weekends. and don't tell me i shouldn't be worrying about it. thanks in advance.




  1. well no matter what age you are its good to keep a balance on maintaining a healthy lifestyle alonf with a healthy self image so as long as your doing that then i think its great as for the love handles here is a link to some at home stuff you can do    

  2. do the stairs (run or walk up and down the stairs quickly every day for about half an hour), ride your bike, jog, and just eat properly. chances are you will lose your love handles (or at least some/most of them) as you get older, but for now just exercise and a healthy diet should work.

    also, make sure you don't try to do sit ups to lose the weight, because what sit ups do is tone, and instead of losing the love handles, you will tone the muscle underneath them, and just end up making them look bigger. sit ups are what you do AFTER the cardio, so after a few weeks of bike riding, jogging, etc., you can begin doing crunches and sit ups to tone your new body.

    good luck!

  3. here are some you can watch:

    have fun!!!

  4. Eat a healthy diet high in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, and low in fat, simple carbohydrates (potatoes, white bread, etc.) and red meat.

    Exercise often, get in the habit, and do things you enjoy, like jogging or sports.

    This should be a lifestyle change, not just a temporary thing, in order to maintain a healthy body weight.

  5. Well, you can't JUST lose the love handles.  You can't really target that area.  I suggest you do a lot of cardio, like running, to lose fat.

    By the way, Redheads are DEFINITELY hotter!!!

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