
How to get rid of a Groundhog?

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I have a groundhog that lives under my shed, He made a hole going under and out the back. I Also have a hay field and corn field out back. It was just eating the hay and now its moving into my garden eating my tomatoes and veggies. What can i do to get rid of it? I dont want to Kill it.. I just want it GONE! Thanks




  1. Unfortunately your options are limited. The only way you can truely get rid of a pest without the possibility of killing it, is to get a dog. Preferably a Yellow Lab or a German Shepard. Otherwise, what you could do is, stick a garden hose in one of the holes the ground hog made, and basically forcing him out of his hole. Then chase after him. And do this daily. At least a few times a day.

    Or, you can get a cage trap, bait it, and when it's captured, take it far from you. Like, 10 miles out or so and let it go.  

  2. Believe it or not, what worked for us??? Urinate down the all the gopher holes you can find.  they hate that. Wouldn't you?  (And yeah, you could go in a jar and pour it down.

    Another way is to smoke him out with anything that won't cause a real fire or endanger your house, like some charcoals briquettes.  

  3. Watch Caddyshack.  Gopher, groundhog... same difference.

  4. I honestly don't know if this worked, or if he just decided to leave on his own, but last summer every time I did "poopy patrol" I would empty the p**p into his hole. Anyway, he is gone now!

  5. sounds like you live in a rural area shoot it or have someone else do it ground hogs not a good critter to have around they eat the crops and dig holes that will break a tractor axle or if the holes are in a pasture the animals can break a leg if they step in it  

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