
How to get rid of a bad music teacher?

by Guest21367  |  earlier

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I go to a small school in Ohio, and I am convinced that we have the worlds WORST music teacher. She is a first year teacher straight out of college, and she is a complete moron. She can't even begin to play the piano. So since I am the only person in our 250 student school who plays the piano, I have ended up having to COMPLETELY take over teaching the choir classes, while she sits at her computer all period.

She has been observed by someone this year, and that is the only time that she has even come close to teaching us anything, and even then all that she did was have the choir sing 2 songs that I had already taught them.

The worst part is that she has no intentions of leaving, and the administration just had her sign a 5 year contract, so it looks like she's here to stay!

If anyone has any suggestions or ideas on how to get rid of her, I am open to ANYTHING short of physical violence!




  1. i'd talk to a counselor or principal and get people that will back you up 100%.

  2. My, My, My, what an ugly attitude you have!   If you are a co-worker, I'd partly understand you lousy attitude toward this person.  Did they get hired for a job you wanted?    If you are a student, and are as accomplished as you claim to be, then your assistance to the teacher is probably greatly appreciated by her.   I'm sure your fellow students appreciate your contributions to the music class you help in.   Now, if you are a student, and are as accomplished as you claim, then you have a very snotty attitude.   You didn't indicate what grade level you are in, but be prepared, once out of school, the real world kicks in, and people with attitudes like you demonstrate here, don't get far in life before someone takes them down.   Remember, no one is perfect.   If truly tested, you most likely have more faults than the teacher you so bluntly detest.    The teacher, being a 1st year instructer, has not had a chance to develop the skills she needs to control, and teach to a bunch of students with attitudes.    Instead of being the slighted _ss that you demonstrate yourself to be, try helpping the teacher where you can.    Maybe during that effort, even you may learn something that you can take with you once you graduate and go on to your "stardom" in the field of entertainment.

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