
How to get rid of a bee/wasp nest?

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There is a nest starting above one of my doors, It has about 10-20 cells started and there are about 5 or so bees/wasps starting it. I have two small children, and my husband is out of town. Can I knock it down with water, or a broom, or something.....This is at my mom's house (she is on vacation..I'm house sitting) so I have no clue if she has some bug spray around.

Please let me know what precautions I should take.




  1. wait till evening, spray the nest, with hair spray,

    then take a broom and knock it down,

  2. if it's wasps - go to the supermarket and buy some wasp spray. wait till night time, and spray the nests THICKLY with the spray, then run away and shut the door.

    Spray again the next night.

    then a few hours after the second spray, remove with a broom.

    if it's bee's, smoke them out. use some tightly rolled news paper and light the end. hold under nest and smoke them out. they will fly away, problem solved.

  3. make an improvised flame thrower and torch them!

  4. There is a wasp spray you can buy at super markets, walmart, home centers etc. which will spray 15 to 20 feet and effectively kill them. Don't hit them with a broom or water as you'll just rile them and they'll sting you.

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