
How to get rid of a blind pimple????

by  |  earlier

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you know the ones you casn barely see, are under the skin but REALLY hurt!!!!! i dont wanna squeeze it, and i dont think any ointment or toothpaste would help coz its under the skin..... do you know what to do?




  1. JUST DONT TOUCH!! it will make it a thousand times worse. as much as it hurts, it will go away over time

  2. DO NOT pop this pimple. It is probably cystic acne, and popping such a pimple can cause infections and serious scarring.

    This pimple may go away over time, but if it does not, or if more of these form, talk to a doctor because there are medications that will cure them.

  3. use vicks on it tonight, tomorrow it will start to come out, you'll see the white head then you can pop it and use triple antibiotic on it so it doesnt get infected. it works quicker than just waiting for it to go away, and it wont get scarred if you use the ointment afterwards.

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