
How to get rid of a car without a title???? Please help ASAP!!!?

by Guest44972  |  earlier

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My boyfriends ex-wife left her Suburban at his house, it is not running and the title is in her name. He has asked her many times for the title so he could have it taken away and she never gives it to him (she does not want it either). My boyfriend has to be out of his house by this Saturday and needs to have it off the property, so how does he go about having somebody come pick it up without having a title in his name?




  1. easy call a yard or junk yard, an tell them u have a abandoned car an would like sum one to pik it up, or tow it and park it in front of the fire station

  2. people will pay you 100-200 for it because they can scrap it for about 500-600, check craigslist for local scrappers or auto haulers

  3. Only the property owner can order the tow, so he needs to notify the property owner that it isn't his car, and he withdrew permission for it to be parked there and asked the owner to come and get it, and they didn't.

    The property owner can then call for for a PPI (Private Property Impound) tow, and the towing company will get it, store it and notify the owner of record of the charges.

    If the owner of record doesn't pick it up, they can get it sold at auction with a clear title, and bill the owner for the difference between the sale price and the costs of towing and storage.

    If the owner of record (his ex-wife) doesn't pay it will go to a collection agency.

  4. Call your local police dept.and ask them if you can have it towed away because he is moving and the landlord wants it gone.Most towing or junk yards will take it at no cost to you.She had her chance to get it and she choose not to, so you should have a right to do whatever you have to do.

  5. Easy.  Call a tow truck and have the car impounded.  Whoever holds the title (that is the name on the title) will be responsible for the very high cost of the impound.  All you have to pay for is the towing.

  6. Call a tow-truck and have them pick it up and deliver it to her house and bill the charges to her (place of delivery).

  7. Well, if you live in MI, your landlord can have it towed as an abandon.  She is the las registered owner so she would be responsible for towing, storage and all other fees (which would include a fine for abandoning).  If you want to put the vehicle in your name...well its possible but depends on the age of the vehicle, estimated value and if it has a lien.  Not a good way to go if time is an issue.  

    Most scrappers won't take a vehicle without a title but there are a few who will...this obiviously is not legal but it happens.

    Your best bet would be to contact your police department or have the landlord call and have them tow it.  If his name is not on the title, then he's not responible for the vehicle.

  8. Nobody will touch the car without the title.

    Your first option is to try to get it ticketed for illegal parking and then get it towed away.  This is what we have to do in NYC when people park on your property.  You have to call your police to find your local procedure.

    The second option  is to move it off the property (somehow) and on to public roads.  Then eventually the police will consider the car abandoned and they will take care of it.

    Good Luck....

  9. yeah what they said have it towed away.

    if it's yours drive it off a cliff.

    just kidding

  10. Call the ex-wife - have to truck towed to her residence and dropped in her yard.  Now the vehicle is her problem to deal with.  I'd pay the tow bill and consider it money well spent.

  11. He can't, it isn't registered to him so it will be on her if it's left there!  Tell him not to worry about it since it isn't his!  Either that or call the police and see if they will tow it as an abandoned vehicle, then they can charge her for it!  Or call and tell her it's her vehicle and she will be the one who gets in trouble when it's left there!

  12. Do nothing. When you do not remove it, the land tenant will more than likely call the police for impound, and the car will be in her name, not your fault or your problem. do not worry about this situation, nothing will happen to you two.

  13. Technically, it's parked illegally. He's notified the owner and she has refused to move it. Have it towed and the expense will be on her.

    He will not have to pay for the towing, that's part of the expense that she will have to pay.

  14. You have to get a new title before you can get rid of it. He could ask some one to store it for him until he gets the new title.

  15. if the titles in her name have it towed off thats what she gets. the title does not hav't to be in his name

  16. I work in that field..and the only possible way is to have her verify that he can have the title.

    Good Luck!

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