
How to get rid of a cold sore?

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I have a cold sore on the left edge of my mouth. How do you get rid of cold sores? I've used chap stick, but it doesn't seem to be working. How do you prevent getting cold sores?




  1. HI. a cold sore (herpes labialis) is a viral infection. once you are infected the virus will remain in your body forever. the outbreaks are triggered by stress, exposition to sunlight, menstrual period, fever, common cold. if you are to get treatment it should be within the first 48 hours since onset of lesions. topical medication is of little help. I hope this information is helpful for you.

  2. Go to the drugstore & buy a product called Lysine. It is in the health /vitamen supplement area. This will help with the healing & help prevent new ones. When you feel one coming-take a mega dose 6-8 tablets. It really works! good luck

  3. i get about 2 coldsores every month, and mine go away in just a couple days if you ice it for at least 2 or 3 sets of 10 minutes per day. it works, trust me!!!

  4. cold sores are caused by HSV I. outbreaks usually are brought on by stress or illness. prevent those, and you should have fewer outbreaks. there is an amino acid called L-Lysine that you can buy in the vitamin section of most drugstores that helps control outbreaks. 2000 mg a day for prevention and 4000 mg a day if you feel one coming on, or actually have one. this will shorten the duration of the outbreak. I've also heard Abreva works topically but it is a bit expensive. you should talk to a doctor before taking any medication however. chapstick will never work, unfortunately.  

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