
How to get rid of a constant fear of rejection?

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i want to ask out my friend shes cool, but i don't know if she likes me and if i ask, I'm afraid, no TERRIFIED if she says no. any tips on any of these subjects for some reason i cant get a straight answer from anybody here.




  1. If she says, "no", who cares, move on, there's more fish in the sea. If you do tell her, I give you lots of credit, bc that shows character. You can do it, buddy! Also, just remember you can always go to strip clubs if she says, no, and forget about your problems.  

  2. There s no such thing as a straight answer if you still decided to be afraid and not ask her out.

    Let me tell you that by constantly concentrating in your fear , you can make the worst happen for real . its like a self fulling prophecy so be careful what you wish for !

    I say you just take a chance already and forget about your fear , instead worry about how to look presentable and nice that day and please dont sound fake or nervous that could be a turn off , instead be a man and do what you have to do !

    if shes no , you have lost nothing , if shes really cool as you say then shes going to stay your friend i guess , at least when you know you are never going to keep wondering whether she liked you too or not

    go ahead already!

  3. The only way to get rid of a fear is to face it. Face the "No" and uncomfortable feelings that will result if she says it. Maybe mindfulness will help you - as in accepting the feelings without trying to fight them. Look up DBT (dialectical behavioral therapy) might help.  

  4. It begins with realizing that fear is not real.  It something that exists in your head.  Anything that you are considering when you ask her is occurring only in your imagination.  The truth is that you have no idea what will occur.  Look at the ideas used to eliminate worry; they also equally apply to fear.

    Courage is not the absence of fear but taking that action in spite of the fear.

  5. I'd hold on to those who love me, like family and then be brave knowing it will be ok even if somoene rejects my affection. Putting yourself out there is scary challenging but relationship is what lifes about.

  6. You could enjoy a relaxed conversation with her before asking her out.  Ask her other things, find out how long and how she responds to other subjects.  Get to know her before asking her out.  No one is worth being terrified over.   Do yourself these favors.   She may have the same problem.

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