
How to get rid of a roach infestation

by  |  earlier

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i have serious cockroach infestation. i have the brown and black ones that are little...and they are every where. i found that bleach spray really does a number on individual roaches but there are hundreds here. i live in the ghetto and i know this building is infested. how do i get rid of them? i'm so sick of seeing them.




  1. clean your whole house with vinegar everywhere I mean straight vinegar they HATE HATE HATE the smell you will live roach FREE forever do this 3 days in a row

  2. There is a product called Boric Acid.  It comes in powder form, and you can purchase it at hardware stores, even some grocery stores.  If you take about 1/2 boric acid powder, 1/2 flour, and enough water to make a stiff dough, you can make this dough into little balls.  Place the balls in inconspicuous areas around your house.  Concentrate on the kitchen.  The roaches eat the dough, and then the Boric Acid in it makes their bodies dry out from the inside out, killing them.  If you live in a building and the whole building is infested, this may not work.  Roaches do go to where the food is though, so keeping an extrememly clean kitchen/house is your best defense.  It may also help you to know that roaches can also live by eating things like wet wood, cardboard, and even paper grocery bags.  So if you're storing something they may like to eat, get rid of it.  You can use a fogger initially to knock out most of the roaches..then follow up with the boric acid powder.  The boric acid is a slow killing poison, so it won't kill them the second they eat takes a few days, maybe a week.  But know that even if you get rid of the roaches, they are likely to continue to come back over and over again, as long as they are still in the building.  So keeping your place clean, and killing them when you see them,  is the best defense.  Try talking to some of your neighbors about putting out the boric acid solution too.  Oh, and if you make the dough balls, be sure to wash your hands very thoroughly afterwards, with soap and warm water or wear gloves.  And be sure that you don't place the balls where any young children or pets might get to them and eat them.

  3. exterminate,EXTerminate,EXTERMINATE!!!!

  4. call an exterminator  like now

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