
How to get rid of a stray cat

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I made the mistake of feeding a stray cat and now he won't leave.

Any ideas




  1. make a trail of food leading to your neighbors house then place alot of food on the porch, keep placing food on the porch until the cat gets used to your  neighbors house

  2. If you can afford to do so...continue feeding the poor dear.  If not, try to find it a home or take it to a NO-KILL shelter in your area

  3. take it to a NO-KILL shelter or give it to a family member or someone who will take good care of it.  

  4. give it to a shelter

  5. If you really don't want it, then try spraying water on it

  6. You're stuck with him. They normally live for about 15 years.  

  7. get the cat in the pound. if you really want to get rid of it.

  8. don't feed it and sooner or later it will move on to someone else, cats hearts are through it stomach  

  9. Hey, they can be very helpful, they will keep rats and other pests away from your house so I say feed him and just let him hang out at your house, cats are very chill!

  10. you can drop it off at the pound! or just call them some of the pounds will come pick it up

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