
How to get rid of an old bruise?

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I've had a bruise on my leg for the whole summer and though it has faded a bit, you can tell it hasn't completely disappear. Is there a simple way that I can make it completely fade?




  1. Hey Susan, I know it isn't Doors related but I felt bad that you didn't have too many answers.

    From my very limited knowledge vitamin K helps to "promote healing" I think I remember you saying to me before that you were low on Vitamin K (pretty sure it was you anyway) Supposedly if you get more vitamin K it will help it. Broccoli and other bleh green leafy vegetables are supposed to help add K. I haven't tried it because it seems disgusting but if you put parsley on your bruise and wrap it up to keep it contained the color of the bruise is supposed to fade.

    Now we get to my favorite, homeopathy. I know everyone will hate me for suggesting it (a lot of people think it is bs) Anyway, Arnica is good for healing and fading bruises. Homeopathic are good because you can use them while taking other medicines and they won't interfere or cause other side effects. You can get this at Whole Foods for a little less than $7 (I can pick it up one of the thousands of times I am there, I know it is sorta far away) I used this for that weird nasty bruise I had and it worked out well (its been gone for a while) Homeopathic are nice because they are natural and don't cause you to get sick and can help with multiple things (I use them a lot for my Raynaud's because other medicine doesn't help a bit)

    Also you are supposed to be able to get "bruise creams" at the drug store they are basically supposed to be the vitamins I mentioned in a cream from and after applying to the bruise help fade it.

    That's all of my bruise knowledge and homeopathy ranting :)

    See you Thursday : /   I my need a certain math packet because I am a lazy anti-math person, and also because of this beautiful answer ;)  I have to get like 40 fillings done too even though I went less than a week ago (so the math packet will be my pity gift from you) I just noticed you are my 200th answer, haha the one non Doors question is my 200th. I'll shut up now.

  2. Not really some times you bruise it so bad they scar I have one on my leg but the bruise pain should not last !

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