
How to get rid of ants in my house? They are in the kitchen and in the living room? more:?

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They look tiny and black. They don't bite but are very annoying. I live in FL. The house is not dirty or anything like that, they come when there is only one plate in the sink. Are there any alternatives to calling Truly Nolan?




  1. I had the same problem.  I didn't have any money to call a pro to take care of the ants.  I tried black pepper at the door way, I tried burning them and nothing worked.  I just had to keep the house really really clean and got rid of all sugar products.  That's what worked best for me.  It was funny, because I would buy Raisin Brand Crunch and sure enough, I would come home from work and they would have a trail going up my fridge to the cereal. As long as I didn't have this stuff, they stayed away.      

  2. As you said, when there is one plate in the sink! Advice? Do not

    leave any crumbs, plates, or food sources for them to come for!

    Okay, I know that is sometimes, next to impossible, so go to a

    99 cents store or hardware store, where you can buy an ant stick

    that really works great! They will not cross any lines you draw with

    this chalk. I have also read that plain white chalk will also work, but

    I have not tried it. But if you have some handy, its worth a try! The

    chalk consists of boric acid and talc, so you can lay some of that

    around too. Also bay leaves in cupboards and around the kitchen!

    Now with all that, I hope you succeed with some of these solutions/

    suggestions I have said, and oh! If you know where the ant hills are,

    pour boiling water into/atop of them in order to stop the problem at

    the core! But, if not, try some of these other methods and good luck!


  3. your gonna have to pay someone to fumigate

  4. The house doesn't have to be dirty to attract them. Here in Maine because of the really wet season we had this year they have been quite unruly. I usually use those ant bait traps that you can but at just about any store. Put  them in the corners you tend to see them the most.

    When it gets really bad, my boyfriend has some powdered stuff you can pick up at Wal-mart, or the hardware store. Its a type of ant poison. He sprinkles it around the parameter of the house. That usually takes care of them.

    Take care if there are little ones around- put the traps where they wont get at them. And if you use the powder- my cat doesnt go near it, so again just keep little ones away from it.

  5. You have to find where they are coming in. Then spray that area.

    Yu can get ant traps at any store and that usuall works well.

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