
How to get rid of back acne and scars?

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How to get rid of back acne and scars?




  1. Back Acne: Treatment, Causes and Prevention:

    hope it helps,


  2. neosporin

  3. Add Betnovate cream to your Face cream. Use it regularly.

  4. When washing your back use a loofah, sponge or exfoliant to help remove any dead skin cells that may clog up pores. Use a gentle action and don’t be too harsh otherwise you will end up breaking the skin. You should probably change your shirt twice a day whether you exercise or not to avoid bacteria buildup.Try for more info.

  5. don't touch the acne or scars through your nail its the best method and wash the face most.

  6. As for scars left by acne, try some of these face packs and masks:

  7. MAYBE all these will work.. and its good if it does... BUT MAYBE all these home remedies won't work... coz the reason for back acne and scars are Myriad.... It will be best if u go to a Skin Specialist... sometimes the problem is internal(like excess of some component in blood-that was my case) and not just external... I too had the same problem... i had to undergo a 6 month treatment to get rid of them... But its not as daunting as it sounds... u only have to visit the doc once a month..  

  8. esoterica fade cream works wonders not only on acne scars, but dark circles under eyes, brightens your skin as a whole and what not.  

    also acne laser treatments can reduce the look of scars

    anyhow you can buy the cream here:

  9. 1) Cook oatmeal and apply on face for fifteen minutes and wash.

    2) Make a warm bath with blanch of nettle and rosemary.

    3) Apply equal amount of lemon juice and rose water with a cotton ball and wash it after haif an hour for 15 to 20 days.

    For dozens of more ways, prevention, types and reasons check

  10. The below links may help you a lot.

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