
How to get rid of big red bump on side of my nose?

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I tried reading other similar questions, but most say theirs do not hurt. This bump hurts A LOT. Even if I don't touch it (ex: I flare my nostrils) I've had it for two days now, and it just seems to get bigger and redder. I'm not quite sure if it's a zit, it doesn't have a head or anything. Although it's all red, with a tiny white dot in the middle. I didn't try to pop it or anything because A.) it hurts. and B.) it hurts.

Anything I can put on it?

I have no trouble covering it up, I have makeup, so please don't suggest that. I want to get rid of it so I can sleep.




  1. you could put Germalene on it, as this will draw out the mucus inside the bump and create a proper head so you can pop it if you want. i often find that popping spots relieves a lot of the pain because a lot of the pain the bump is giving you is most likely from pressure. if you do decide to pop it, use a clean and sterile pin and make sure you put some antiseptic on afterwards (i find Savlon Antiseptic Liquid to be the best antiseptic, you buy it in a bottle and dilute it with water and then put it on the area you want to keep clean). if i put it on a spot after i have popped it, the pain and redness have mainly gone and the spot is so much better the next day. but you can put any kind of antiseptic on the spot and it should keep the inflamation down. good luck

  2. Since it hurts my best advice is don't use toothpaste (it will be suggested) a. it's for teeth b. it can burn you it's for teeth

    and c. make this already hurtful area worse.

    Take a hot compress to it a lot. Clean wet wash cloth if you heat in the micro it gets nice and warm. Apply, repeat.

    Use an acne face wash and apply acne cream to help draw out the bacteria and dry it up.

    If the center gets white take a clean sterile pin to the center this will help some of the painful (Puss) to drain.

    It sounds like a 'blind' pimple which can be very painful.

    Use products tested and designed for the face. :)

    Good Luck.

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